[30] Halloween

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A/N: I have a new Kellic one shot called 'Sleepwalking' if you guys want to check that out! I also have one called 'goodbye' and i started making a collection of kellic one shots :)

Anyways, This story has more than 3 chapters left I can tell you that! But sadly this story might be ending soon! How do you all feel about that?

*vic pov*

This week has been one of the best weeks, Kellin walked me to all of my classes, made sure I was okay, Jesse hasnt been seen anywhere.. Not even at lunch. The thing that sucks is that Mike doesnt want to see Kellin and I together, so lunch Kellin sits with Justin, Jack and Oli but I find myself looking at him and I see him looking at me, which got me slapped by Mike, who knew he could reach over the table like that. On Monday Kellin and I sat outside during lunch in silence just enjoying each others company.

Jaime on the other hand just doesnt talk to me at all. In class they dont talk to me, I've been helping Kellin with work during gym. Who needs physical exercise when you can sit out and be lazy the whole time. Its now Thursday morning and Kellin is being really quiet.

"Kellin" I say softly and he turns to face me "Vic" he says

"you seem quiet" I state and he looks back to the front of my room "my party is tomorrow" he states
"Oh" i say quietly. Am I not invited? Is this why hes quiet. Ever since the first year of high school, Kellin's been known to throw insane parties, its just a thing, I've never been, obviously...I heard he always has good music and everyone dresses up and the food is perfect and one time I heard there was brake away glass which everyone threw at each other. I don't know why but that caught my attention and really made me want to go.

So what was I doing while everyone was at Kellin's party? Well Mike, Tony, Jaime and I would go to Tony's house and watch scream while eating tons of candy and popcorn, half way through the movie I always found myself hogging the popcorn and crying into it wishing I was at least noticed by Kellin and on some waiting list to get to the guest list.

"Yeah, I have everything planed, thanks to you not being able to sneak over to help me, I had to plan everything alone" he states giving me a playful smile "you are coming tomorrow right?" He asks and I look around.

"You're still talking to me right?" I ask and he smiles

"of course I am! Who else would I be talking to? Theres no one on the other side of you" He says
"Thanks for telling me last minute, now I dont have anything to dress up as!" I say annoyed. Fake annoyance.

"I wish I could help but, I have to make sure everything is set today. Now Vic, are we like um, dating?" He asks me softly almost whispering the last part.

"Hmmm, let me see about that, I stayed at your place all Sunday, We only went on one date, I kissed you, I really shouldnt say yes, but for some reason I want to, but this time I'm going to ask, Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask and I raise my eye brow at Kellin because it takes him a while to answer "You wanted to know" I state and he smiles

"Its so weird saying yes to someone" He admits "But yes I'll be your boyfriend" he adds

"For real this time?" I ask
"For real this time"

*Kellin Pov*
This week has been hell. Monday I needed to be with Vic without seeing Jesse at lunch, it is a known fact Mike wouldnt have wanted me sitting near him so I took Vic outside. I didnt want to and couldnt really talk after my whole ordeal with Jesse. His words playing in my head 'I'm not scared of you anymore'. Everyone is scared of me. Even people who dont know me are scared of me. How can Jesse just say that so easily. Do you know how hard it is to tell someone you care about that you dealt with their problems and they are safe and everything is okay and noone will hurt them anymore, when in all reality you solved nothing and they are in so much danger that whenever you see the person whos hurt them you quickly turn them away and rush them down the hall in fear they'll get pulled away from you and hurt.

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