[2] Kellin Quinn Bostwick

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*Kellin Pov*

"come on kellin, you need to date someone at sometime" justin groans

i open my chips and sigh

"whats the point of a relationship anyways, nothing, you only get heart break" i say

"you are the heartbreaker" oliver says as he sits down next to me, i smirk.

"thats because im not very interested in females, and those are the ony ones i go out with" i state

"well then at least tell me theres a boy you are interested in" justin says

i could lie and say yes and pick a random guy. or i could say no and listen to him ramble off on how i should find someone. i'll go with option one, if theres one thing i know about justin is he will always say his opnion and he will always try to have his way.

"i dont know" i say, i look around the cafetaria. lets see who at least has shown some interest in me over the years.

i start with a table thats two tables away. i cant start with my own because i dont want to lose any friends, im sure oliver would want a piece of me, to clam as his own but im afrid that if i leave him he will be really obsessive.

Tony Perry, obviously has a thing for mike fuentes, i mean one time in sixth grade mike asked this girl out, and tony looked like someone stole his turtle, and he loves turtles. i think hes at the level of being obsessed where i wouldnt be surprised if he had like a shrine for turtles.

Jaime preciado, interest in me, none, i think he hates me, hes been giving me death glares since fifth grade. i said hi to him once in fourth and he smiled at me but then someone must have told him somthing because the next time i said hi i think he wanted to slap me. hes a no, i bet if i asked him out he would just put me in a hospital. no scratch that, he would beat me up then someone like Vic Fuentes would take me to the hospital.

lets start with mike fuentes before vic fuentes.

mike fuentes,youngest fuentes, leads tony on without realizing it, he can get any girl he wants, he used to take the girls that came to me, some times girls just like the bad boy better than the popular asshole...well im not an asshole but many people say i am...okay i can be a asshole, anyways lets go back to talking about mike. hes not interested in me, and thats that. also mike used to get high, i dont know if he still does, but i wouldnt mind trying it, put it on my teenage list of things to do, its not lame that i have one is it?  anyways, mike is like the guy who isnt scared to do or try anything. i bet he stole the shirt he is currently wearing.

Vic Fuentes, the older fuentes,super smart, lame, okay looking, his eyes sparkle even when he seems upset. i heard he can play guitar, hes never tried talking to me, one time he ran into me in the hallway and dropped his book and i picked it up and he said a quick 'im sorry' and fast walked the other direction, hes the type of fragile that never fully breaks, i find that interesting. sometimes he seems like hes in such pain, but he puts on a smile and moves on, i used to catch him looking at me, so i guess i can say he could be interested in me. im too lazy and low on time to talk about the rest of the tables.

"pick a guy, lets make this happen" justin says

i sigh

"i think vic's cute" i say and justin smiles at me

"really! yes! we are going to set you guys up! i knew you liked someone" justin says and i give him a fake shy smile.

"i think i should try talking to him first, dont you think" i say and he shrugs

"i was thinking of going right to him and saying, hey wanna make out, like you say to every girl, but if you want to do that, go right ahead" justin says and i start eating my chips, justin caughs

"now" he adds and i sigh. i grab my chips and water and i go over to the table of mexicans

"hey can i sit here?" i ask and i look over at mike, avoiding jaime's eye contact

"sure" mike says and i take a seat in between vic and tony.

"why are you here?" jaime asks anoyed

"i love you too preciado" i say and jaime rolls his eyes at me "im here because, well why not" i add and i look over at vic.

"plus i mean, you guys are attractive" i say and vic's cheeks start turning red, ive got him where i want him, i smile. and i look back up at mike and jaime, jaime looks un amused. meanwhile mike seems confused.

"thank you, i do look nice today" tony says and they all start laughing "what? do you guys not think i look good today" he adds

"its not that, i mean, tony you are wearing too many colors" jaime says

"im wearing blue jeans, a black shirt and blue vans" tony says looking down at his outfit. jaime gives him a look, faking disgust.

"you know what,fuck you" tony says throwing a plastic fork at jaime

 "woh, watch the hair" jaime says as he runs his hand through his hair.

these guys arent as lame as i heard they were.

for the past few years everyone used to be like 'dont talk to them'  'they are disturbing' but no they make my friends seem lame..okay not really but i bet they would. you understand what im saying,right? well that doesnt matter, i understand myself. my friends never gave them a chance,well vic a chance, i saw jesse push vic to a locker once. i should've helped him but i was stupid and laughed before walking away.

tony and jaime get lost into a conversation and mike leaves to talk to some girl somewhere.

"vic, do you want to go to the movies or somthing today? i know its monday, but like why not" i say and i smile at him "or we could just hang out at my place" i add

"ah ya, your place" vic says nervously.

"great, i'll pick you up at eight. dont worry about giving me your adress, trust me, i know it" i say then i get up from the table "thanks for letting me sit there" i add and i run my thumb against vic's cheek before walking back to my normal table

"so" justin says giving me a look of interest

"hes coming to my place tonight" i say

"oh" justin says raising his eye brows

"no, not like that" i say and i hear oliver sigh in relief.

oliver is so confusing. i kissed him once, that doesnt mean we are dating, hes like a two time thing. why cant he get that thought into his head.

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