[28] The First Date

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*Kellin pov*

"is there anything else you've lied to me about?" Vic asks as he looks at his hands

"My parents havent been home in a while they are on a long vacation" I say and Vic looks over at me "have you lied about anything?" I add

"No" He says softly

"Come on Fuentes we all have some secrets"

theres a long pause of silence.

Vic sighs

"But Kellin, I never would've lied to you, from the first day you talked to me till the day I found out you lied, I've never lied to you..Now I'll see you Saturday night for your only chance at a date" Vic says as he gets up and walks away from me. Leaving me here in silence

*Vic pov*

I make my way home and I walk straight into my bathroom, I make sure the door is locked before turning on the light, I look at myself in the mirror and I take a deep breath before turining on the cold water and splashing it on my face, the cool water making the makeup come right off my face. I turn the water off and I take my shirt off, I look in the mirror and I see tons of purple fresh bruses on my side, I take in a sharp breath and as I let it out my side hurts even more. Well I might as well stop breathing so the pain will stop. I look down at my body and I feel a tear go down my face.

Well Vic this is your new life.

You've been lied to. Jesse is back, which means the abuse is back, but this is even worse. In the past Jesse would hurt me once a month meanwhile Jack would only make fun of me and rip my homework and throw my stuff away. Jesse never hurt me this bad but I guess somthing happened to him that makes him have more pain and he wants me to feel it.

And now well now the one person you wanted to talk to talked to you and now you are giving him a real chance even though you dont know if he actully wants one.

I start crying even harder and I find myself laying down topless on the cold tile floor.

*Kellin Pov*

I went to school this morning and Vic wouldn't look at me. I tried saying hi and he just looked up at me and noded slowly almost like he was in pain. I just went to my seat and sat down.

"Ignore Fuentes, hes not good enough for you" Oliver said and I told him to shut up which he did for the rest of the class. Jack didnt say anything during our classes together. I didn't see Vic in the hallway after my third class, not even a glimpse of his hair.

Lunch I looked over at VIc's table, he wasnt there, Jaime was sitting there alone, meanwhile Mike and Tony were talking. Oliver still wouldn't open his mouth and I think it was better that way. Justin did talk and break the silence, he asked where Jesse was and noone knew, Jack then said Jesse must've been getting work he missed, which made us all laugh. Then Justin said something about maybe Jesse is skipping school, but I for some reason don't buy it. During gym Vic sat out he hadn't changed for gym, I tried sitting next to him on the bleachers but he just said 'I wont talk to you until Saturday' and then I said 'but you're talking to me right now' and he didn't answer me, he sighed which I took as my que to stop being a smart ass and walk away. I actually did something in gym today, so I took a shower when I got home and noone has contacted me, Oliver hasnt, Jack never does, with me I have to call him or text him first, Justin hasnt been calling me lately and its Friday night and I'm still alone because Vic said the date will be on Saturday. I guess I cant really argue with him on that to change his mind.

---- *Saturday*---

I woke up at 12, I couldnt sleep until 1 in the morning, I wasnt even doing anything, wasnt wasting my time watching tv. I texted Vic as soon as the clock ticked 12AM and I told him I'd pick him up at 6. I spent my night twisting and turning. But now its 4PM, I've done nothing.

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