My Brother Sucks

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So I went to play minecraft on the Xbox as one does. The plan was to build all of Derry including the sewer systems. Of course my brother has the AUDACITY to insist I help him with his "troll house" that will take "no time at all to build" before I do my build or else he's gonna go in and blow up the whole thing. Like Broski listen up. You get the Xbox 24/7 to do your crap you think is SOOOO hilarious and watch the garbage you call How To Train Your Dragon: Race To The Edge that you've watched a million times already. I for one, never get to be on it because of homework and crap. The one time I FINALLY get my chance, you insist that I play WITH YOU and do something only you care about? Broski nuh-uh. You better back away before I throw the controller a your face.

Thank you for listening to my rant.😔

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