Chapter 2

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~Reader's POV~

My first day of class! I can't wait to teach all these talented students, but first I need coffee because I didn't have enough time to to make some at home so I was currently inside of the teacher's lounge making myself a pot of black coffee. But I must be earlier then a I thought because I'm the only one here so far, I guess I was just to excited I forgot the check the time when I woke up. Soon enough my coffee is ready and I happily sip it out a plain white mug when the lounge door opens and Aizawa walks in, he seemed shocked to see me here but I didn't blame him because again it's pretty early.

"Wow, usually I'm the only one here this early" he comments and leans against the snack table

"I was excited what can I say, coffee?" I say then offer because there was still a 3rd of coffee left in the pot

"Please" he says almost jokingly and I poor him a cup off coffee "thanks, I don't what I'd do without a cup of coffee in the morning" he says while basically downing the cup of bitter dark liquid. That's when I noticed the huge bags under his eyes, I wanted to ask him about it but at the same time I didn't want to seem rude so I let it go. "Oh and be careful with these kids if you let them they'll drive you up the wall" Aizawa warns me

"Don't worry, I think I'll be just fine" I chuckle

"Was there anyone you didn't let into your class?" He asks curiously

"Well that one kid with the purple balls on his head signed up but there's no way I'm letting him inside my class after that questions he shouted at me" I answers not wanting to remember that embarrassing moment in my life

"Good call, Mineta is a huge pain and a huge perv to the girls" Aizawa "also you don't need to wear suits you know, you could come in dressed casually as long as you look nice" he says while eyeing up and down, I smile and he looks away for some reason.

"I know, it's only for today so I can make a good impression on my first day of teaching this class. Wearing a suit when you're an art teacher isn't that recommend since my class tends to get a bit messy" I chuckle

~Aizawa's POV~

"I'd like to get a little messy with you..." I mumble under my breath while finishing the rest of my coffee

"What was that?" (Y/N) asks me and I quickly try not to choke on air

"Nothing!" I shout which makes him jump slightly

"Um... alright then" he looks down at his now empty mug "since my class it at the very end of the day would you like some help setting up for yours? I have a lot of time on my hands" he smiles at me again and I couldn't help but think some dirty thoughts about him banging me up against my desk.

"S-Sure" I stutter but quickly regain my composure "I could really use your help if you don't mind" he smiles his damn sexy ass smile again

"I don't mind at all, besides I should get to know my fellow staff and teachers, right?" He was to cute and hot at the same time I can't freaking take it, and how is someone with an amazing quirk like his isn't a hero?!  He'd easily make one of the top 5 hero's.

"Well... shall we get going?" (Y/N) holds his hand out for me and I gladly take it, I take him to my classroom and he helps me takes the chairs off the desks and set up the papers that I need to hand out. All the work that would usually take me 30 minutes on my own was down in about 10, he even took care off all the heavy lifting for me knowing that my tired ass wouldn't be able to handle it without wanting to take a nap right after... even through I still wanted to take a nap. "Well all the work is done and it looks like your students are starting to arrive" (Y/N) says as Iida walks in, early like always. "I'll get out your hair!" He leaves the room and I could tell Iida was staring at him while he does but to be honest I was also.

"Iida, please get into your seat" I grown while sitting down in my desk

"R-Right!" He sits down in his desk and I look through my plans for today, but my mind went back to the new teacher working here because he was just so good looking. It made my wonder what was under those dress pants of him.

"Hi Mr.Aizawa!" Midoriya greets while walking into my classroom and one by one the students start to pile in my classroom so I get class started

~Reader's POV~

I was just planning to have a free day today so I could get to know my students then tomorrow we could actually get to the messy work and start teaching them the arts so I had a lot of free time on my hands but I can't just walk around the school like a mindless entity so I decide to  go onto the computer and look up the news.

"The league of villains huh? They've been active lately... didn't principal Nezu tell me that they were the ones that attacked the school? I wonder what they're up to know" I mumble while reading the daily article and tapping my fingers onto my desk. "Looks like they robbed a local drug store, just a bunch of small things" my senses were tingling, whenever something bad was gonna happen soon I'd get this weird feeling. It was part of my angel quirk.

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