"Jimin helpless or not you're still my little dumpling and I'll protect you until the day I die whether you like it or not," I said as I gave him a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you," he sighs into my neck. My heart flutters"oof I have to pee, I'll be back," Jimin pops up and leaves the van.

Minutes went by and I got bored and started switching radio stations trying to pass the time.

Jimin hasn't come back yet and I'm starting to worry.

Maybe he had to poop?

Flashing lights caught my eye. I glanced up at the building and seen red lights blinking.

"Shit, "I cursed as I slammed open the van door.

"JIMIN!" I yelled "JIMIN?!"

I sniffed the air to see if I could track his scent.

"JIMIN!" I yelled again when I could smell him. I started to panic.

I headed leaves crunching behind me. I whipped my head around.

"Tae-Tae," Jimin whimpered as someone had his hands tied and a knife to his neck. I growled.

Someone else walked out from behind them.

"You want this crybaby alive you'll do what we say, capeesh ?" The person said.

I look back from him to Jimin.

"Taehyung please," Jimin said as he started to cry. I sighed in defeat and held my hands up.

Someone shoved me on my knees and grabbed my hands tying them behind me.

Someone blindfolded me. I was stood back up and forced to walk.

The alarms got louder each step I took. I was hit with cold air.

I think we're in the building.

I didn't hear the alarms anymore. We were walking for a while until I got shoved into a room.

"TAEHYUNG!" I heard Fletcher say.

"FLETCHER WHERE ARE YOU!" I yelled back.

"In the cell next to you, Hobi's a fucking trader," she said angrily.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Hobi's one of them Taehyung he leads to a trap, he works for them, "Fletcher says.

"Where's everyone else?"I ask.

"I-I don't know they took Namjoon and Jungkook and Jin went out to get you guys," she explains."OH MY GOD WHERES JIMIN?"

I sighed" I don't know Fletch, they blindfolded me before I could see anything,"

I tried moving around to feel anything that could take my blindfold off.

I felt a piece of the wall sticking out. I rubbed my head against it until it snagged the end of the blindfold.

I smiled when I successfully pulled it off. I let my eyes get adjusted to the bright lights.

I stood up and went to the bars. Fletcher was staring back at me with a scared expression. Her face covered in sweat and clothes covered in dirt. Her hands tied with rope.

"It's going to be okay, I'll get us out of here," I told her.

A door opens making both of us look over.

"Ahhh well look who came back home," The man said. I started growling at the one person who made my life a living hell. I watched him walk closer." and you brought a friend," he grins as Fletcher backs away from the bars.

"Don't touch her," I snarled.

Dr. Poloyham chuckles as he holds up a needle and starts unlocking the door.

Fletcher starts crawling to the back of the cell.

"Come here you brat," Dr. Poloyham says as he grips Fletcher's arm.

"STOP!" I hissed. Dr. Poloyham ignored me and stabbed the needle into Fletcher's arm.

"Chill, I'm just taking some blood," he grins as he drops her back down.

I seen four guards come over. Two on each side of our cells.

"Take him down to the chambers with the rest of the hybrids,"

The guards started coming in and I started kicking and growling. I felt a needle enter my arm. Whatever they injected into me started making me instantly get tired.

Before I knocked out I heard Fletcher yelling for me.

My friend, The hybrid(BTS/ AU) Where stories live. Discover now