[November] 12

152 14 5

"Go after him!"

Hoseok turned around and looked at Matthew questioningly. But the older just pushed him forward.

"Go! You two need to talk. Don't worry about me."

And with that he turned around and left Hoseok behind. He thought about Matthew's words for a while but then quickly followed Hyungwon.

It took him a while to find the boy and when he did he found him where he would've never expected to find him. Right in front of his office, sitting on the ground, the face hidden between his knees.

Hoseok stopped in front of him and kneeled down. Hyungwon didn't reacted even though he must've noticed Hoseok. Only when the older started talking to him he lifted his head. The sadness and the amount of hurt in his eyes hit Hoseok like a hammer. The boy had cried, it was obvious. Hoseok slowly stood up again and reached out his hand for Hyungwon.

"I think we need to talk, don't you think? Come on."

Extremely slowly and only after staring at the outstretched hand for a few minutes he took Hoseok's hand into his own and stood up. He followed the older into his office and Hoseok closed the door behind him.

While Hoseok sat down behind his desk, Hyungwon just stood there, still trying to avoid every eye contact with Hoseok.

"Please, sit down."

Hoseok pointed at the chairs in front of his desk and Hyungwon slowly sat down. He felt uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. But at the same time didn't tried to run away again. Hoseok tried to see that as a positive sign. He carefully chose his words before talking to the insecure boy.

"Hyungwon... listen. I think I need to explain you something. About what happened at... that night. What really happened."

Hyungwon looked up, surprise and also curiosity in his eyes.

"What do you mean with really? Did you-did you lie to me?"

Now Hoseok was the one to look down. It took a few seconds before he answered.

"Kind of, yes."

Hyungwon stood up from his chair, every possible emotion visible on his face. From surprise, to anger and lastly disguise. Everything was there.

"WHAT have you done?! And how drunk was I that I don't remember ANYTHING?!"

His voice was getting louder and louder and he slammed his hands on the table and stared at Hoseok with anger and disguise in his eyes.

"What the hell did you do to me you... you FREAK?!"

The last word he screamed at Hoseok and the older moved a little bit backwards with his chair. He had never seen Hyungwon like this before.

"Hyungwon, please sit down. I will explain you everything, I promise. But please, calm down first."

To Hoseok's surprise his words worked and Hyungwon let himself fall back into his seat again.


He raised an eyebrow at Hoseok, waiting for his explanation. Hoseok sighed and tried to sort his thoughts.

"Okay, first of all: I didn't do anything to you. I was on my way home from meeting with.... someone and you ran into me. Completely drunk. I couldn't ask you, where you live so I just took you home with me instead. You wouldn't have found your way back home. Never. And I couldn't left you behind."

He never turned his eyes away from Hyungwon during his talk and the boy was focused on his explanation. But he seemed a little bit calmer then before. Probably trying to remember that night.

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