"First years this way!" a voice boomed through the crowd.

Wei Ying, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng made sure to stick close to each other as they made their way over. But before a step could be taken, Wei Ying gave a small shout and disappeared into the crowd. Jiang Cheng gave an exasperated sigh at his friend's antics and shouted for him to come back. And mere seconds later he did. Yet he was holding hands with Lan Zhan who had a bewildered expression on his face as he stared at the boy.

"I didn't want him to get lost." he explained with a grin as Jiang Cheng frowned. "Come on, or else we'll be late."

The four of them navigated the bustling crowd and found a teacher surrounded by nervous first years, giving orders to stick close and to not wander off.

"Oh we won't." he stated with a serious face. "At least not tonight." he added with a smirk at Lan Zhan who turned away with a slightly annoyed expression.


They were led to a cluster of small boats docked at the edge of the lake. The four of them got a boat to themselves and soon were sailing across the pitch black water with magic. The air was cooler by the water yet it wasn't an unpleasant trip as they were distracted by the moving shadows of the Giant Squid and the castle.

It rose majestically into the sky with its towers and turrets and millions of windows gleaming with yellow candlelight. The whole building looked magical, and Wei Ying's eyes sparkled in delight that this was his new home. Next to him, Lan Zhan gave another glance at him, the faintest smile on his lips.

Too soon, the boats reached the other side of the lake and a ripple of nervousness ran through the crowd of first years. With scared faces, the students walked up the hill and through the grand wooden entrance doors which were decorated with beautiful carvings. Then they climbed a vast stone staircase up to the Entrance Hall. Beyond these doors was the Great Hall in which they would be sorted into their houses...

"Your houses will be like your family..."

Wei Ying wasn't paying attention but rather running through every possible outcome in his head. Usually he was one for going with the flow but the next hour would decide his whole future with his friends, family and everything else. He didn't even realise the doors had swung open until he felt a hand gently grasp his arm and move him forward. The stares of hundreds of boys and girls took him out of his mind and he felt more nerves creep upon him. He saw to his left that Nie Huaisang was even worse than him: his hands were shaking and his eyes darted around like a frightened animal at the students. Jiang Cheng was looking confident as he walked and even waved to his older sister- Jiang YanLi of Hufflepuff- as they moved towards the end of the room. And to his right was Lan Zhan, who, to his surprise, was looking at him with concern.

"Are you alright?" he asked in the quietest voice.

"Absolutely. I can't wait." he replied, forcing a smile onto his face.

Lan Zhan didn't look convinced but turned his focus to the end of the hall at the long table which sat all of the teachers. Wei Ying was looking forwards to Defence against the Dark Arts the most, also charms and flying. He desperately wanted to play Quidditch for his house team.

"When I call your name, come up and place the hat on your head. It will sort you into your house and then you will go and sit with your new housemates. First, Jin Zixuan."

An arrogant looking boy walked up to the stool and placed the Sorting Hat onto his head. It fell over his eyes slightly and Wei Ying had to stifle a laugh at how funny it looked. 

"Slytherin!" the hat shouted and the boy sauntered over to the table and greeted his housemates with smirks and nods.

Wei Ying had an immediate disliking to the boy and hoped he wasn't going to be in Slytherin. He knew his parents would despise him for being in any other house but he didn't want to perceived by the world through the lens called 'Wei' because they wouldn't see him. His family was pure-blood and were proud of it. They expected him to marry a pure-blood girl and drilled into him the fact that pure-bloods were superior and muggles were filth. He was brought up with butlers and harsh punishments, lavish balls and sickening ideals. 

He wanted no part of it.

"Jiang Cheng."

His friend walked up to the stool and, now looking a little afraid, put the hat over his head and sat in silence for a few moments...


Jiang Cheng pulled the hat off with a massive grin and bounded over to the Gryffindor table, greeted with loud whoops and cheers. He saw him look over to his sister who gave him a proud smile. He sat down next to other first year students then looked back over to Wei Ying. They shared hopeful expressions before turning their focus to the hat.

"Nie Huaisang."

Nie Huaisang was shaking all over as he stumbled up to the stool, sat down and gingerly placed the magical hat onto his head. All was quite for a few moments as the hat decided what to do...


Wei Ying's eyes widened as he watched his friend head over to the Slytherin table with the smallest smile. Even he looked surprised and greeted his new housemates with shaky waves. Maybe the shyness and nervousness was all an act? But he didn't want to be prejudiced simply because he was in Slytherin.

"Lan Wangji."

He gave a glance to Lan Zhan as he walked up the steps and sat on the stool with absolute and grace and dignity, rather upstaging the boy before him. The two made eye-contact for a moment as silence once again filled the hall. It was time to see if his prediction was right.


Lan Zhan looked indifferent as he sat down by his brother at the Ravenclaw table. He shook hands and gave polite nods to his housemates, smiled at his brother then turned his focus back to the front. The list of names continued as the Sorting Hat placed them in their true houses. Each student passed by too quickly and it seemed their wasn't enough time for him to settle his nerves until his name was called last.

"Wei Wuxian."

He put his signature grin onto his face before strolling up the steps and sat on the stool. He could hear the students erupt in whispering as they looked at him with intrigue. The house of Wei was famous for it's traditions and beliefs, high class status and everything Wei Ying hated. He took a deep breath and was about to put on the hat before he caught sight of Lan Zhan. He gave him an encouraging nod and a second later the hat was on his head.

Everything was quiet as the hat shut out the murmurs of the students. Then, a voice appeared in his mind. 

"A Wei, huh? Well, I think it's obvious where to put you-"

"No." Wei Ying spoke back in his mind.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no. Judge me before making your decision."

"... Alright." the hat said after a few silent seconds where Wei Ying thought he had offended the hat. Could hats get offended? Even magical ones?

"Well, well, well... how interesting. You have a sharp mind and high intelligence, perfect for Ravenclaw. There is also fierce loyalty for Hufflepuff; much ambition and determination for Slytherin... but what is this? A streak of rebellion is in your heart. A fire waiting to be lit... you desire to break free from your family and it's expectations. And, am I to believe, this is the house you want to be put in?"

"Yes. Please. Just not Slytherin."

"Hm... I think it'll be..."

Wei Ying held his breath and shut his eyes as he waited for the name that would change everything. The single second seemed to last an eternity as he tensed up for the answer.


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