Why were women told that they were the inferior of the races? Why were females told that they were weak, and the men strong? Why were they told they needed to serve the man, because the man was better than them somehow?

It seemed like women were better off in the one arena that was the most important portal in the human realm. The portal of pleasure – which every human being was obsessed with. Well, not just humans actually, but all beings. And thus, the individual, the species, and the sex that has the monopoly on pleasure should be the one that is lauded and commended and raised up above everyone else. It should be that way. But it wasn't.

Except when it came to Shiva. He not only knew that he was inferior to the female species, but he spent hours and hours admiring the female yoni, in order to give it its appropriate status. To put it on a pedestal. If anyone wanted to learn how to treat a female yoni with great obeisance, with the ultimate of deference, they should learn it from Shiva. That was what Kali told all of the men she met in her life.

The yoni observation period ended. As if they were in a festival of some sort, and they had to observe a period of silence. Of exultation.

He looked up at her, and said, "I'm going to touch you now. Let me know if you like something or don't like something. I'm here to serve you, my dearest." She could see that his entire body was covered with sweat, not because it was hot in the room they were in. But because he was expending an inordinate amount of effort to control his own sexual fire, in order to focus upon her. It took superhuman effort to deviate the course of a man's orgasm, which can flare up in a matter of seconds. Deviate it to something more important like pleasuring your woman.

It could be easy for a man to complain and be bitter.

I just can't control myself, so many of them said. It's not easy to be me, they whined.

The man's body isn't built to control its orgasm for such a long time, so that the woman can find her own pleasure, they lamented. I have to look out for myself, don't I? they selfishly proclaimed.

Boorish and ill-mannered brats. Kali had many more derogatory terms for them, but she held her tongue.

She held her tongue, because Shiva was already using his own tongue upon the juicy, pink insides of her vulva. How decadent this all felt. It wasn't a celebration of any kind. Not Holi or Diwali. Not Christmas or Hanukkah. But it felt like a glorious time of the year to her.

Sitting on his face, and letting him really see the deep insides of her wasn't something that came easy to her. When she had been preparing for her wedding vows, and the pandits came in with their attendants to check if she was still a virgin, the woman who checked Kali in the little curtained-off area in the corner, gasped. Kali wondered what terrible thing the woman had seen down there. She had already had nightmares where her husband would pull up her veil, him being a beautiful blue colour, and her a darkish brown, and him puking down the side of the bed, because he couldn't bear her ugliness. But what had the woman seen?

"You have the ugliest cunt I have ever seen." She said, as she started crossing herself, and chanting some mantras. This was not what Kali had wanted to hear. She was still young then, and highly impressionable. She was worried. What if this crazy old lady was actually telling the truth? She must have seen hundreds of different women's vaginas, in order to check for the validity of their virginity. That was her job. In all of those hundreds, she thought Kali's was the ugliest? Oh boy.

The spiral of depression and black doom that she fell into then, was noteworthy.

But none of her terrible nightmares came to fruition. Shiva didn't puke down the side of the bed when he saw her face. In fact, he was pleased with what he saw, considering they consummated their marriage nine times that night alone. And the way he licked, and caressed her yoni, proved to her that that old lady had no idea what she was talking about. Not then and not now – there was no need for her to worry about Shiva's attraction for all of her body parts.

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