Dating and Learning.

Start from the beginning

"Has she ever been here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not with me," I said and Allison nodded.

"Me neither."

Stiles walked ahead. "You think she's looking for Derek for her Alpha? I mean you are stronger in packs." I said and Scott sighed shrugging at me.

"To be honest I have no clue." He said and I nodded. We walked ahead and I saw Stiles slip behind me.

"It doesn't make sense though Scott, why now? Her bite isn't even healed and it's been almost a whole month." I sighed and Scott grabbed my cheek.

"Look it'll be okay. I promise" he said and I smiled.

"Whoa hey! Look at this." Stiles said and Allison ran over, I got closer to Scott, and he smiled and kissed my lips. "It looks like a trip wire.." I heard him mumble before I heard a clamping and was being hoisted up into the air, smacking my head off Scott's shoulder, my book hitting the ground below me. We were being suspended both me and Scott by our ankles.

"Argh, Y/N you okay?" I heard Scott choke.

"I'm fine.. minus feeling the blood rushing to my head," I said and Scott chuckled.

"Stiles." We both said.

"Yeah buddy.." he mumbled turning and getting up and running over.

"Next time you see a trip wire, please don't trip it," Scott mumbled and stiles nodded.

"Got it." He said and I heard a crack, my back was pressed against Scotts so I couldn't see his face.

"Scott," I said.

"I can hear someone coming, go!" Scott said and stiles and Allison ran off into the woods, we rotated so Scott was facing the sounds.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"Argents." He mumbled back and I sighed.

"Scott." I heard Chris say.

"Mr. Argent," Scott said back.

"How are you doing?" Chris asked and Scott huffed.

"Good good.. yknow just hanging out, with my girlfriend." He said and I smiled.

"Wassup Chris," I said out loud and I felt a push, turning us and I was now in front of Chris.

"Y/N, guess we got a two-for-one" Chris smiled at me, and I nodded.

"Bet." I smiled. "Is this yours? Yknow very strong and constricting. Holding both of us up, I already feel lightheaded." I said chuckling and Chris nodded pushing me and turning me back around so he was looking at Scott. "Okay rude."

"What are you two doing here Scott?" Chris asked.

"Looking for our friend," Scott mumbled.

"Oh that's right, Lydia, she's a part of your little.. click, is that what you call it? Or should I say? Pack?" He asked and rolled my eyes.

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