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Excuse the mistakes!!

Liliah looked at the townhouse address and smiled. She looked down at her phone double checking the address Osiris texted her. She stepped out her car and walked up the walkway heading to the front door.

With a smile on her face, she knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Skylar opened the door seeing a short light skin girl standing there with a smile on her face.

"Hi I'm Liliah, a friend of Osiris" she greeted.

"Oh yes, Hi I'm Skylar come in come in" Skylar greeted stepping to the side. "He told me so much about you" She continued. "Aaww you are so pretty" she complimented.

"Thank you!! So are you!"

"Oh girl I probably look a mess right now" Skylar chuckled rubbing her hands through her curls.

"No, you really look good, you don't even look like you had twins"

"Well thank you" Skylar smiled. "I try I try" she joked making Liliah laugh lightly.

Niani started to fuss from the living room getting their attention. "Come in the living room I was just about to feed my daughter" Skylar said walking straight to the living room with Liliah behind her.

"Osiris!!" She shouted.

"What?!" He shouted back from upstairs.

Liliah couldn't help but smile as she walked in the living room seeing Niani sitting in the bouncer sucking on her thumb.

"Awww she so cute" Liliah cooed.

"Thank you" Skylar smiled picking her up.

"Oh shit...Liliah?" Osiris said from the hallway, holding his son.

She turned around, "Yeah nigga who else?" She asked him.

"Watch your mouth, don't be cursing in my house now" he smiled walking up to her.

"Boy I'm grown" she cheesed. "Look at your mean ass all big and hairy looking like a dad" she continued walking up to him giving him a side hug.

"Shut up" he smiled. "Wassup with the tats?" He questioned. "Them shit is nice who did that?"

"I got these done in Atlanta" she answered pointing to her arm. "And this one on my neck was done in Miami and Kofi did my hand"

Osiris nodded his head, "Hows your moms and everybody doing?"

"She'a good still married to Joe"

"Would you like something to drink? You hungry?"

"Nah I'm good thank you"

Skylar stared at her daughter as she fed her listening to Osiris catch up with Liliah. She seen her phone vibrating next to her leg and she looked at the screen seeing a private number calling.

"How did you meet this mean ass nigga?" Liliah questioned getting her attention. "Osiris used to be so mean back then" she continued. "He used to walk away in the middle of the conversation, walk past people who tried to talk to him, oh my gosh...I remember when..."

Skylar tuned out their conversation and looked down at her phone seeing a private number calling again. A frown quickly appeared on her face. She quickly put the bottle down and reached for her phone, accepting the call.

"Hello" she answered. She heard breathing on the other end for a few seconds before hearing the dial tone.

"You need your hair braided or something" Liliah said running her hand through his hand.

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