Amethyst's Memories

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As the Injector bubbled, Lion opened a window and leapt in front of Beach City's Fries. "Amethyst?" he called. Lion didn't look very happy to have a Gem he didn't know on his back.

He teleported into Funland. "Amethyst?"

He even went on her favourite Funland ride. "Amethyst?" he yelled over Spinel's screaming.

He went to a pizza parlour that she loved, and then the Big Donut. "Amethyst?" He left back through the portal, but then teleported his head to the manager. "Wait - can I get a couple to go?" he asked hopefully, looking at some doughnuts. The manager whimpered and handed them over, declaring that they were on the house.

"AMETHYST! I've got some tasty doughnuts!" he yelled as Lion walked around the park. "Come and get 'em!"

No Amethyst came. "Worth a try," he muttered to Spinel, who was eating doughnuts of her own. "Where could she be?"

Something made Lion stop. A house nearby was making a loud noise of tin cans clanking, and the purple garage curtain was rustling. "Amethyst?" he called again hopefully. Why would she be in Onion's garage? He wondered, recognising the house.

He pulled back the curtain, and there was no sign of Amethyst, but there were still all the posters and tools in the shed. He noticed everything in it was a picture of her - there was a poster of her, a little sculpture of her dancing on a bin, huge canvases with fashion designs for her and lots of painted purple Gems. One picture, an abstract, lavender one, didn't look like it was painted, however...

"Ooh, where are we?" asked Spinel, appearing below Steven. Lion appeared above him. I'm surrounded by pink people, he thought.

"It's a place where Amethyst got painted by Onion's mum," he explained. "Amethyst loves it here. Hey, wait a minute..."

"Hey!" Steven yelled at the picture as it began to move. Spinel had just arrived through the curtains and was closing them again.

The painting cried, "Aah!", fell backwards and transformed back into Amethyst.

"Ooh, what was she doing there?" asked Spinel. Amethyst looked a little scared of her.

"Amethyst, oh my gosh, you're okay!" Steven cried. "Where were you earlier? Do you remember this place?"

She copied him. "Remember this place?"

Steven ignored her, and flicked on a lamp, pointing it towards himself. "Singing and dancing - that's gotta be a piece!" he said out loud. "Hey, Amethyst, do you remember singing and dancing with me?" He turned the light to her. Amethyst cocked her head.

Steven sang, "In the light of day... in the dark of night... when you're rearing to go... when you're tired from the fight..."

Eventually, Amethyst began to copy his words. The two (rather, three) of them abandoned Onion's garage. Steven took Amethyst to the arcade, taught her how to eat her favourite fries, and eventually took her to the Kindergarten. Spinel clung to his arm, intimidated by the spider-like Injectors. Wish she would hurry up and remember about her own Injector, he thought butterly.

Eventually they fled to the grassy meadow that Steven had declared his happily ever after with the other Crystal Gems. Amethyst happily said, "pew, pew!" when they arrived.

Steven suddenly thought of something. Pew, pew? That's a part of our handshake ... maybe she'll remember that... ? "Pew, pew?" he said, making gun signs as he had done with normal Amethyst.

Amethyst stared at him. "Pew... pew?" she mimicked. She stared at Steven's hand. Steven slapped hers, and together, Steven helped her through the handshake.

"One... two... three... huh!" they said together. Amethyst suddenly got a faraway look in her eyes.

"Amethyst!" cried Steven, hugging her. Amethyst looked confused, but then she muttered something inaudible and began to rise and glow white-hot. Her form changed multiple times, into disfigured Pearls to undersized Garnets to simply streaks of lightning, until she finally cooled down and turned into the old Amethyst, the Amethyst that Steven knew and loved, the Amethyst who still had a memory...

She fell clumsily to the ground after her majestical transformation. "Urgh... what happened?" she groaned.

Steven didn't listen. He crashed into her and hugged her so tightly she could barely breathe. "Amethyst, it worked, you're back!" he cried. At that time he was so happy he thought he would burst. From behind him, he felt Spinel also join. Amethyst opened her eyes.

"Woooah!" she yelled, leaping away from Spinel. "Woah - ah - what are you doing here?" she hissed menacingly.

Spinel looked confused. "Woah, woah, I can explain," Steven told Amethyst slowly, but she had already snatched him away from her with her whip.

"Get away from him, you... monster!" she yelled. Spinel was gone, however. "... huh?"

"A monster?" said a high voice, making Steven jump. "Heheh... where is it? Yeah, I don't see it."

Amethyst jumped, turning around to glare at Spinel. "Y-you're it!" she snarled.

Spinel looked like she understood and nodded seriously. "Ohh... " she said, but then a huge grin lit up her face. "Ready or not, here I come!" she bounced off. Amethyst looked bemused and shocked. "Boop!" She touched Amethyst and ran off. "Oh - I forgot to say, you're it," she added. She reached her hand over and patted Amethyst again. "Okay tag, you're it!"

Amethyst stared after. "What the heck is this all about?" she demanded.

"She doesn't remember attacking us," he explained. "She doesn't even remember that thing -"

"What the -"

They both gasped as they looked toward the Injector. Surrounding the huge drill that pumped the liquid was no grass, just a smoking, rocky circle with huge cracks that emitted pink steam. What is it doing?! Steven thought in horror. The grass that was lucky enough to survive didn't look alive at all.

"Mm - do you guys not know how to play tag?" Spinel asked directly from behind them. 

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