The Very Short Chapter

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"Woooooowwwweeeeee!" Spinel said after a while as she stared at her huge Injector, bubbling the glowing liquid into the ground. "That thing sure is... big! You wanna climb it or something?"

"Wait, wait," Steven said, holding up his arms. "Are you serious right now? What about that stuff you said about how I won't stand a chance against your Injector?"

She scratched her head. "I said what now?"

"You really don't remember, huh," he sighed. "How about you, Lion? Can you make any sense of this?"

Lion roared lazily, which clearly meant either 'no' or 'well, Steven, how about you use that big brain of yours instead of being thicker than a cinder block'.

"Aw, you're no help either!" Steven sighed, taking the old Spinel's weapon out of his pocket. "At least I can store this thing in your mane." He reached out to Lion and pressed the stick up to his chest. After a few seconds of waiting, the stick fell unharmed to the ground.

For a second, Steven stared at it lying on the grass. He shouted, "I can't store things in Lion's name now?! That's like the easiest thing I do!" He stared sadly at the huge metal Injector. "What do I do?" he cried. "I've got no friends to help me! Except... "

His eyes drifted to the Little Homeworld construction site. "Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot! Come on, guys, let's go figure out how to fix this!"

Spinel followed him first, laughing happily. Steven stopped to look back at the others. "Guys?"

Pearl reached for her Gem. "My Um-Greg," she said. "Allow me." She pulled an umbrella out of her gemstone and held it over his head. Amethyst shape-shifted herself into a purple copy of Greg. Pearl stared at both of them, taking turns shielding them with her circular yellow umbrella. "Hmm," she said. "Mhm... hmm... "

"Ruby?" Steven asked hopefully. "Sapphire?"

"She's not going anywhere with you!" Ruby said defiantly, blocking Sapphire with her arms.

"I do see us following him into the countryside," Sapphire told her gently.

Ruby blinked and marched over to Steven's side with her almost instantly. "Never mind! We're goin'!"

Greg stared after them. "Wait! Don't leave me alone with these two!" Amethyst had shape-shifted herself into a purple Pearl, copying her movements as the real Pearl held the umbrella. The two of them were having a staredown.

"Just keep an eye on them for now," Steven sighed. "I'll be back." He walked off towards Little Homeworld with an overprotective Ruby, a bored Sapphire, and a way-over-enthusiastic Spinel. 

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