19 - Switchblade

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It's been a week since Recruit has taken Kajika as his mentor. Recruit still insists that he is capable of doing it on his own, but Kajika seems to know his way around fighting solo and that is what Recruit wants. Teams are overrated. 

A team is only as strong as their weakest link…. assholes. Recruit adopted a new mindset as well. One that is fueled by loneliness and sadness. Eventually that sadness turns into anger, and that anger is turned into action. 

In a basement underneath a car dealership, Kajika had a live feed footage of Washington D.C. It's been a crazy year so far. First, the Dollar Flu outbreak. Second, quarantines and curfews. Third, Division agents going "rogue." 

"The Division is basically divided now. Some are protecting their neighborhoods, while others are taking advantage of the situation and using their tech for personal gain."  Kajika said. 

"I don't care." Recruit remarked. 

Kajika stood up and faced him eye to eye. "The door is over there." 

Recruit tried to stand cold. To not twitch. But the computer alarm startled him. Kajika turned around and press ENTER on the keyboard. Images and video footage of Aaron Keener popped on the screen. 

Recruit saw and remembered how Keener outsmarted him. He didn't want to talk about it, but he was still confused about the explosion back at Rainbow's base. It had to be Keener, but Kajika appeared seconds later to pick him up. 

Kajika walked to the closet and began gearing up. Pistol, SMG, backup pistol, bulletproof vest, bow and arrows, throwing knives, and a drone. 

"What's your plan?" Recruit asked. 

"You are." 


"Don't worry. This time you will outsmart him." Kajika tossed Recruit a switchblade. 

"What about those other guns you have back there in the closet?" 

"Those are just decorations." Kajika walked up the stairs and stopped at the door. He expected Recruit to ask a question. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Recruit waved the switchblade around  

"Don't worry. Like Keener, I think of everything." 

Rogue Anxiety: A Rainbow 6 + The Division (FanFic) CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now