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"I really wish I understood what is going on," Jager said. Ash and Jager were discussing the file reports that Tavi discovered in the sewer's safe house.

"And things just got worse." Ash pulled up a document in her laptop. Official from the US government: Dollar Flu BioWeapon Attack in New York.

It was reported by ISAAC communication network that the explosive devices contained pathogens of the Dollar Flu. ISAAC network also detected rogue agent Aaron Keener on site during the attack.

While New York is no longer under government control, this attack proves that the virus is still being artificially produced and poses a threat to become even deadlier.

UPDATE: ISAAC network has reported more than 5,000 Division agents going rogue around the country.

"Ash, this is Six." Jager and Ash turned around to see Six on the computer screen. "There is a pandemic of rogue agents. More agents are turning as we speak. I have no choice but to declare all Division agents as terrorists.

Clean Division agents have until midnight to deliver their weapons and equipment to military officials. Once they do, they will be station and evaluated by psychiatrists. Any agent who does not step down, per ISAAC network, will be marked rogue.

After that, you know what to do.

Six out."


"Steady. Steady. And...." Doc slowly pulled the bullet out of Tavi's shoulder. "There. Now just to stitch him up."

An audience of operators were watching through the glass wall. They heard about the man, and they always wondered what he could bring to Rainbow if he was recruited.

"Okay. Who shot that guy?" Thermite asked.

"It was me." Thatcher snapped. "The briefing showed us the faces of the agents who kidnapped Jager. And I saw their faces and shot."

"He has a green watch. How did you not see that?" Ela remarked.

"I threw an EMP grenade."

Doc walked out of the operating room and shoo away everyone back to the cafeteria. "Lets not spook this guy. Imagine waking up from surgery and having 20 complete strangers staring at you."

"You think 20 strangers will scare the crap out of him?" Vigil laughed. "He started his career in Chicago."

"What else do you know?" Ela asked.

"Shit. That's all. I don't even think he's an official military personnel. Or ever was."

Ash's voice overpowered the tale of mystery, "Which is why we need to be careful. Green watch or not, Division agents are now public enemy number 1." Everyone looked at each other. "Sitrep in 10.

Doc, lock that door. Tomorrow, we will interrogate him."

Rogue Anxiety: A Rainbow 6 + The Division (FanFic) CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now