"I was wondering... you never told us where you came from, and how old are you?" Classic said as he stuffed his hands in his dress pants, god he wished he could shorts, but paps won't allow it... Erratum was about to speak until a Geno came running through the halls, not paying attention as he rammed into Erratum unexpectedly as they stayed silent as they heard a crack echoing through the halls. The two snapped their heads at him as Erratum could only shrug and look inside his sweater."Ah. Another rib..."

To their shock and horror, Erratum pulled out his rib and placed it in his pocket as he shrugged it off when he turned around to glance at Classic one last time before he left. "Oh, I came from anywhere and everywhere, or maybe I don't belong here at all...
As for my age? No idea. I mean, I might be even older than this world, and please watch where your going Geno." He stated as he walked away as he silently praised himself. He wasn't lying though, he also needed to be vague when others ask basic information for his past.

The two stared in silence as he walked away, disappearing into the class room as they blink in unison. "HE JUST PULLED HIS RIB OUT!?" Classic exclaimed, yes he got his answer, but he was too focused on the fact that Erratum just casually took it off like it was no big deal was absolutely traumatizing for him. "HOLY- SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA! IS HE OKAY?!" Screeched Geno. If you read the bolded letters, you'd know what he meant, plus he was at school. He couldn't say it in front of the children! Even though classes doesn't start until... "–!? Classic! Classes start in just ten minutes! I have to get back to the office–"

Classic held Geno back as he looked at him confused. "Classic?‐" "Did you notice those cracks...?" Classic asked with an empty voice. "Uh-" Geno didn't notice at all, but now did Classic mentioned it...  he was right, there were hairline cracks embedded on to his skull. And if his ribs can break that easily after a little bump... What else could anyone say about his body in general?
"D- Do you think he was abused? I mean, who would hurt a skeleton that badly if that wasn't the case? O- or do you think...?–" Geno stuttered as Classic gave him a grim look as he looked at the door of Erratum's class.

"I think... It might just be something far worse than that..." Classic trailed off as he quietly headed to his room, leaving Geno stunned.

Something far worse...?

Or someone?


Erratum was breathing heavily on the door as Classic and Geno was having their 'conversation'. Shit, he communicated. Why must it always be him, dear fate? He has his class after lunch, so he had more than enough of time to explore his new surroundings, or maybe sneak off and check the kids at school to see what their doing... No, that would mean he didn't trust them enough to be on their own. He didn't want the kids fo think that, but then again... Bullys...

He decided against it, and chose to try exploring once again. He looked at the door with a blank face. Maaaybe out the window...
He casually strutted to the window and pulled it open as he leapt out of it like it was normal thing to do. He landed on the ground and saw that there was a way in the school without using the front door. Hurrah! Thank Destiny for back doors! And now that classes are starting, he won't bump into anyone! Wait... that means he jumped out the window for no reason whatsoever... Damnit.

He pushed open the back doors and looked up to see a sign saying "The Art hall." In solid bold letters. Ah, Ink just had to haunt him even at work, a Job he thinks he would be fired at in less than a day. He looked around surprised to see a music hall at the end of this one, well it did count as art after all... When was the last time he played a violin again? Hmm, a few eons ago I think... he really doesn't know. It wouldn't hurt to touch one for a little bit, right?

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