Cute Random Facts about Seth and Ember

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Ember loves superheroes, especially badass lady superheroes like Wonder Woman or Jean Grey. This relates to her wanting to be like a superhero—greater than she is, powerful, and able to do good. Perhaps Ember's whole story is similar to a superhero origin story?

Ember's magical style is, in general, superhero-like, as opposed to Seth's, which is occult.

Ember is sassy and often sarcastic, but optimistic rather than cynical. (Don't fall into this trap!) Ember and Seth both believe in the inherent or potential goodness of humanity.

Ember's smile brightens a room and she bounces when she's happy.

Seth loves reading HP Lovecraft, and he writes bad cosmic horror in his Necronomicon journal (that he probably got from Monolith Graphics). Contrast with Libitina, who's more of a Poe person.
Seth thinks that archeology and ancient anthropology is epically cool.
His favorite video game is Bloodborne.

Seth built a cabinet of curiosities in his dorm room. Hector and Ansel roll their eyes at Seth's elaborate table displays. Ember thinks they're creepy.
He probably would love The Cabinets of Doctor Arcana. He's generally good at puzzles and riddles.

Seth uses his wits to solve problems, in contrast to Ember's kill-it-with-fire approach to everything.

Seth's favorite flavor of ice cream is plain vanilla. Ember's is raspberry sorbet.
Ember likes the sun, Seth likes storms.
Ember likes summer, Seth likes autumn.
Seth's animal motif is ravens, Ember's is phoenixes.

Ember should have a (non-biological) brother or sister that she's really protective of. (Names?)

On karaoke night, Ember sings "Burn" by Ellie Goulding with "special effects." She has to pressure and possibly bribe Seth into singing, but once he does, Seth serenades her with "Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys and Violet starts bawling.

When Seth and Ember play violent video games together, they swear like they hate each other. It's their favorite way to spend time together.

Seth's cosmic horror stories are actually a lot better than he thinks they are, because he draws from his own experience fighting demons and communicating with angels, and having weird dreams. Incomprehensible eldritch beings are pretty much part of Seth's daily life.

Ember is extroverted and has better social skills than Seth does, but Seth has higher social intelligence, and is better at reading people despite being introverted.

Seth has a black wooden box with metal clasps and engraved pentagrams where he keeps his pewter and silver pendants. His friends tease him about having a jewelry box.

Seth's favorite movie is The Sixth Sense. Shocking, I know.
He always cries at the end. In fact, he cries at the end of a a lot of things. He catches feels easily, though he'll never admit it.

Seth and Ember are, respectively, death and rebirth.

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