The World of Demi-Angels

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Currently, the world that demi-angels inhabit is called Veren, which is Dutch and means "feathered" or "made of feathers." Its citizens are called Verenel, which doesn't mean anything but sounds cool. Veren is in a dimension somewhere between Earth and the Astral Plane (possibly called Elyon). Angels can take a semi-physical form in Elyon.

Veren has three cities, each of which is associated with different sacred geometry:

Acada: The city nearest to Caelum Academy. Acada is shaped like a spiral galaxy, with the Anthelion in the center. Its sacred geometric symbol is the spiral, and its platonic solid is the octahedron.Briah: Briah is named for one of the Four Celestial Worlds in Kabbalistic lore (the plane on which archangels and seraphim live, representing the mind and intellectual understanding of spiritual concepts). The city's sacred geometric symbol is the Flower of Life. Its platonic solid is the dodecahedron. Metatron's Cube also appears everywhere in this city. Its patron archangel is Metatron. This may be the 'capital city' of Veren. Ashkel: I don't know much about this city, but I think it's going to be near water. Its platonic solid is the icosahedron.

(These platonic solids represent air, spirit, and water respectively. So far, I don't have Earth or Fire. I'm not sure if I should add a fourth or fifth city, but this is what I have for now.)

So far, there are two demi-angel schools: Caelum Academy, and the Aurora Academy of Angels. The former is just outside Acada. The latter is probably in one of the other cities. Caelum is a school for new demi-angels who grow up on Earth. It helps them adjust to life as demi-angels, learn to use their powers, and learn to fly. The Aurora Academy is for "Gen 2+" demi-angels, who are the offspring of other demi-angels. Gen 2+ demi-angels have the same powers, capabilities, and connection to the divine that first generation demi-angels do, but they do not have celestial parents.

At Caelum, most of the students come when they're around sixteen years old. For younger students, Caelum is more like high school. They take a variety of subjects in an effort to learn what they're good at and find their wings. They're also more prone to petty drama and whirlwind relationships. For older students, Caelum works more like college. They have a smaller number of classes, and devote themselves to the study of certain subjects and groups of subjects. The older students can act as mentors for younger students interested in their fields. They've also matured and mellowed out a bit. The oldest students at Caelum are about twenty years old. (This is all convenient for me as the writer because I'm a college student who can still write about high school. It also justifies having two narrators, since Ember is part of the former group of students and can act as an audience surrogate, while Seth is part of the latter group of students who can be more deeply embedded in the lore and the overarching plot.)

After graduating Caelum, most students will continue on to the Watchtowers, a sort of combined graduate school/temple. They are staffed by actual angels, who will train the students directly in specific kinds of magic and spiritual knowledge. These Watchtowers are:

The Spire of Ice. The Northern Watchtower, specializing in ice and snow magic.The Pillar of Wind: The Eastern Watchtower, specializing in wind magic.The Tower of Light: The Southeast Watchtower, specializing in light magic/guardianship.The Citadel of Storms: The Western Watchtower, specializing in wind, water, and lightning magic.The Vault of Shadows: The Southwest Watchtower, specializing in necromancy.The Dome of Stars: The Northeast Watchtower, specializing in Celestial Magic.The Pyramid of Fire: The Southern Watchtower (inaccessible to any actual demi-angels, save one).

Obviously, there's a few things I'm missing. I'm missing the Northwest Watchtower, which will probably be some sort of military academy for Powers, associated with Metal. I'm also missing one for earth and plant magic, and one for ocean magic. Not all of them will have a direction associated with them. Some demi-angels will also study at a grand library in either Briah or Ashkel, which is currently called the Angelic Archives but I might change that. I've also got listed the "Pleiades School of Celestial Magic," which may be similar to or affiliated with the Dome of Stars.

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