Hi. It's been a while.

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Hey. So, I know I've been on hiatus. I know that's been hard for you all, since you believe in Those Who Fly and it just ended abruptly. But I believe in my story, too, which is why I'm going to go through all the time and effort to rework it into a masterpiece. It's not my first priority right now. I want to get through at least another draft of Shadowbook, since I have a better idea of where I want that story to go and its world is more comprehensive. However, I don't want all of you to feel like I've abandoned this project.

My writing teacher (to use her words) "drove her tractor" through the last draft of the first six chapters of TWF. I sort of lost confidence in it for a while until, about a year later, she said this in an email:

"I did have a possibly useful thought after classes ended. You said you included the archangel Michael in your earlier manuscript, the one that attracted so much response online? It occurred to me that putting a couple of characters/angels from the bible into your novel is a really interesting - and possibly brilliant - idea. Are there any other archangels in the fantasy books you read? If not, I hope Michael makes it back into your work. Just thinking out loud."

So, uh... yeah! That was a big deal.

(It also underscores just how little source material I have for this book)

TWF deserves to be a masterpiece, so I'm going to turn it into one. Until I start working on the book proper, I'm going to consistently update this document to put down my thoughts and ideas about the story as I continue to build it.

- Nyx

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