Marcus 🔞

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Waking up had never been harder for you. The ache in your core needed to be undone. But the smell of food cooking scared you shitless. Who the fuck was in your house? At- you checked your bedside clock, 8 am? DURING QUARANTINE?

Like the flash you zoomed down your stairs and into your kitchen only to see the man you catered to last night. Marcus, in all his devilishly handsome morning glory had been cooking. Shirtless.

You were so glad he had his back facing you. You looked like a bomb had hit you. With quiet steps you made your way back to your room to shower and clean yourself up before coming back down.

When you did go back into the kitchen you wore your usual morning attire, spandex shorts and a tank top with a zipper jacket on top. Marcus sat at the brunch table chomping on a banana, his eyes went over your body before he spoke. "Sorry for using your stuff without permission, I just wanted to repay you from last night." He continued to chew.

"It's fine, as long as you didn't burn down my house or injure yourself more." You replied walking towards the table seeing the plate that he had made for you.

"You made pancakes?" You secretly scanned Marcus from his shoulders to his torso. Even when injured he just looked so damn good.

You sat at the brunch table, legs crossed as your thighs rubbed together. You delved into the pancakes. It was like heaven on a plate. The pancakes had been so light and fluffy and they bounced off your tongue as you chewed them. Marcus has been eyeing you the whole time before you even noticed him, when you looked up his eyes remained on you. More specifically, your lips.

"Do I have something on my face?" You questioned him. He just smiled at you and shook his head before finishing his banana, he took half of the banana in his mouth and chewed throwing the peel in the nearby bin.

You gasped slightly at his behaviour but he just chuckles at you moving closer to where you were sat. "You like the pancakes?" He leaned against the table.

"Yeah, they're delicious, I'm just wondering at what else your good at. These pancakes are so good." You teases him back turning the stool to face him.

"I'm good at a lot of things. A lot." He repeated much more seductively.

His hand that hadn't helped him lean against the brunch table hovered over your thighs before gently grasping them.

"You know, you look amazing. But the first time you came down, you looked even better." His face came closer to yours as he spoke. His back arched to close the gap between the two of you. Your eyes wavered across his but his had only been concentrating one the same thing as before, your lips.

His breath fanned at your lips before they met in a chaste kiss. It was sweet like the banana. The kiss grew into more when his hand that had been on your thigh moved up to your waist and his other that had supported him on leaning had made him stand and cup your cheek.

Marcus squeezed at your waist, a small yelp coming out of you before he pushed his tongue into your mouth. The kiss lasted a lot longer than you expected but when the two of you had broken away a string of saliva connected your lips. The two of you were heaving for air. Cheeks flushed and eyes wide.

"I'm good at kissing." Marcus grinned nipping at your waist. You squirm under him as he turns the stool so your back is facing the table and his arms place themselves on either side of the brunch table trapping you, your legs in between his own as he sloppily kisses and sucks at your neck. Your hands move over his pecks before moving to his abs, tracing them with your finger. You were careful not to touch his bandages just in case they'd come loose. You whimper at him sucking at your collarbone which makes him suck harder before raising his face and pulling you in for another long hard kiss.

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