I need you 🔞

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"You never told me you had a man!" Tiana's high pitched squealing hadn't ceased since both you and Marcus had come down.

"What's his name!" She asked Marcus who had been eying her awkwardly.

"My names Marcus, you're... Tiana right? The best friend?"

"Yes that is correct! Oh- I'm also sorry for walking in on you two doing the dirty but shit! Can y'all not be so freaky." She chuckled making Marcus's shoulders shake as he laughed.

"I heard you bumped into Darius and beefed him up. Word on the street is you had a new man and I just had to see!" She carried on turning to fade Marcus.

"You. Are so fine! Tell me, where did you find him!" Tiana sat back eying the two of you from her chair.

"My porch." You replied awkwardly scratching your head.

"You- your what?" Tiana's head swerved to face you with the most astonished look on her face.

"My porch Tiana. He was injured."

"So this is like a nurse and soldier scenario?!? What the fuck (Y/n) I thought we were best friends?! You need to tell me these things!" She complained.

"I'm sorry Titi but we never made it official until a couple days ago." You shrugged passively at her.

"Plus, she was getting used to having me around her a lot more." Marcus finally spoke.

"How sweet." She awed at Marcus and you making you blush at her cheeky smile.

"Anyway, Darius!?! What happened?" She gasped a little.

"Well.." you clapped your hands together. "He saw me whilst me and Marcus were grocery shopping. Yelled out my name and then, tried introducing himself to Marcus as my ex boyfriend." Both you and Tiana had huddled together on the couch she was sat on leaving Marcus to watch the two of you, well.. mostly you. The grin on your face as you recalled the moment he called Darius '3 in dick.'

"You did not!" Tiana gasped until awe at him but all he did was laugh and nod his head.

"Shall I get you something to drink T?" You stood from the couch heading towards the kitchen.

"No- I gotta go.. I only have a few more minutes before Devon wakes up." She smiles softly.

"Tell him aunty misses him okay!" You walked towards the door with her and hugged her before she left.

You watched Tiana sit in her car and drive off, day dreaming.

"What you thinking about?" Marcus suddenly came from behind scaring you a little. You close the door turning to face him with a smile.

"Nothing, you scared me." You lazily placed your arms around his waist. He did the same, arms wrapping around to grab at your ass.

"I have blue balls." He whispered seriously before biting at the tip of your ear.

"Go have a shower Marcus." You laugh pulling away and walking towards the couch.

"Please... I need you." Marcus began to whine out following you. You could clearly see the bulge he had in those shorts which made it even harder for you to try and resist him.

"Let me get some water first." You roll your eyes at him.

He nodded eagerly still following you into the kitchen area where you pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge. You were going to take your sweet time drinking.

SPEC OPS: TANKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora