Janus' Room

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Virgil walked through the halls, realizing Remus and Patton forgot too based on their interaction that morning. His thoughts were interrupted when he reached Deceit's door, however.

Knock Knock Knock.

It swung open only slightly to reveal an annoyed, tilted, half skin, half scaled face. The snake's body wasn't visible, and judging by the way his head was positioned, it would seem Janus was hiding behind the door. His hair was visible without his hat and wet.

"Yes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you hiding behind the door?" Virgil inquired. "I just got out of the shower. What do you want, I'm getting cold even with this towel on." The emo stammered, "Uh, I was just wondering if... uh... today was anything special?" Janus raised an eyebrow.

"Today is a holiday, Christmas isn't for another week." At this, Virgil looked at the door frame. "Oh." "Sorry Virgil, but I won't talk to you later, I must get dressed. I hate the lipstick, by the way." With that, yet another door was closed in front of him.

Janus forgot too... Virgil thought sadly. There's still one more person I could ask though.


I just realized I didn't publish the chapter yesterday so here's two chapters for one day 

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