Logan's Room

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Three knocks were quietly but firmly rapped onto the logical side's door. After a few seconds, the door swung open and Logan stood there, a book in one hand and the other on the knob. "Can I help you, Virgil?" he asked, staring intently at him. "Well, I was just curious to where everyone was..." Virgil said. "Why? This is quite normal for this time of year, as most of us are wrapping presents or preparing for the upcoming holiday. I am not, I finished my shopping a little while ago and have already wrapped everything. Now I'm doing research and planning for the next video," Logan stated. Anxiety looked at him, confused. "...but today is a special day?" he said, confused.

Logic titled his head at this. "I don't think Christmas is for another six days, but let me check my calendar." The side looked back at a wall Virgil couldn't see from where he was standing, then turned to him. "It is, in fact, not for another six days. Unless the holiday you are referring to is National Hard Candy day, then there is nothing special about today." Virgil's heart dropped. He... forgot? That is when Anxiety noticed Logan staring at his lips. "You're wearing lipstick today, interesting. What inspired it?" He asked. Virgil fumbled for an answer, wanting to tell him the truth but not doing so.

"...Uh, no particular reason. I just really like hard candy," Anxiety lied. Nodding, Logan shifted. "Well, if that is all, I must request that you allow me to resume my work." "Go ahead." Virgil watched in defeat as Logic closed the door. He forgot, but maybe Janus would've remembered after all the birthdays I've spent with him, he thought hopefully.

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