Monster- monster!Stephen x hunter!reader

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A/n: requested by: @Xxblueberry_milkxX  Hope you enjoy!

Y/n's pov

"This is it!" I announce to no one as I admire the beautiful flowers and trees. After all the long researching I'm finally able to physically look for it. What's it you ask? Well it's a supposedly new species that I've been assigned to hunt. I set up camp in an open area of the jungle. I hum to myself while I pitch my tent and set a fire for food. Before going anywhere, I set net traps nearby. Then I wander around, carrying a hiking stick, to find dry wood. I remember my boss warning me, 

"If you don't find it, you're back to being a lecturer." His words ring in my ears. After finding enough wood I smile to myself,

"I can do this." I assure myself. 


I look up at the tree branches, I could've sworn I heard a sound. Paranoid, I look around, thankfully finding nothing. I glance towards the sky, it's getting darker by second. I hurry back to my small camp to find my fire raging and my tent catching on fire. I let out an unintelligible yelp and hurry to try and put out the fire. 

"No!" It's too late. The fire has converted my tent to ashes. I drop onto my knees, devastated. I force myself to swallow the the lump in my throat, "It's okay, this was only natural." I shakily stand up and dust myself off, "It's fine. It's fine! I'll sleep on the ground, no biggie." I try to stay optimistic, "Closer to nature this way, huh?" I chuckle at my attempts to cheer myself up and start to set another fire, making sure this one is further away from myself and my belongings. I grab the biggest leaves I can find near me and build myself a bed. I lay on my back and gaze up at the sky, in the corner of my eye I see a figure and I swiftly jerk myself up, crawling backwards. "What the hell?" The figure appears to be gone... I know I saw something. The ground sways underneath me and I force myself to go to sleep. It's too dark to investigate and I'm hungry as heck. My food stash got burned from the fire and my flashlight has melted. Today is really not my day. I cautiously lay back down and curl up into a ball. Falling asleep to the sounds of nature was better than the sounds of cars, trains, and trucks. I ignore my rumbling stomach as I drift off to sleep.

"Yawn!" I let out a big yawn and stretch my arms above my head. My gaze runs around my surroundings, "Trees, flowers, fish, wood-!" I gaze down next to me and jump back, "A-a fish!" It seems to be cooked as well. That's a bit weird.


I turn to face a creature in a net trap. "Gasp!"  I run towards the trap, praying that the organism is what I've come here for. The creature thrashes in the net and I sneakily walk in front of it. I cover my mouth in shock and tremble in excitement. The creature stops thrashing and gores at me. The creature- no, monster, has two black horns coming from the sides of his head, a messy purple mohawk, grey pants, no shoes or shirt and a smug look. My eyes scan his face and I notice the blood smeared on his cheeks and lips. I scan the rest of his body, looking out for injuries that would have led to the blood. 

"It's not mine." the monster leans close to the net, closer to me. I take a small step back, I didn't think it could talk. I nervously question,

"Wh..what do you mean?"

"The blood isn't mine." it smirks at me. Oh my gosh. My stomach churns but I try to look confident. "The name's Stephen~" it chortles. I steady my breath and manage to let out, 

"My name's Y/n..." Stephen's hand shoots out of a gap in the net and my breath hitches. He seems to have noticed because he lets out a snicker,

"I just want to shake your hand!" 

I reluctantly take his hand with one of my own. He shakes it a little before jerking me closer. 

"H-hey!" I shriek. He brings my hand close to his face and opens his mouth. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my other fist, readying myself for the pain of my hand being teared apart. Rather, I feel a soft pair of lips plant a soft kiss on the back of my hand. My eyes shoot open and I stare at Stephen, who's grinning up at me. "I.. thought you were going to..." I un-clench my free hand. Stephen smiles,

"I  could never hurt a beauty like you." Since I've met him, this is the first time I've seen him genuinely smile. He looks kind of...cute. I pull my hand away, blushing. I finally realize he's still in the net trap and I sheepishly smile, 

"Sorry about the net!"

Stephen chuckles, "It's all good. It would be nice to get down though, my legs are falling asleep!" I smile, and hope he won't dash off as soon as he sets foot on the ground. I run and get a small dagger from my bag, thank gosh it hadn't burned in the fire. "You know, I spent a good amount of time catching and cooking that fish for you and you didn't even eat it." I hear Stephen mutter from behind me. I briskly turn around, startled. Stephen is inches away from my face and I subconsciously take a step back. This guy really doesn't know the meaning of personal space, but then again he is a in the jungle. 

"How did you-?" 

"I've got sharp horns." Stephen proudly gestures to his horns and I glance behind him at the shreds of net on the ground. I spot a little thread hanging off one of Stephen's horns. I reach up and pull the thread off, brushing over his horn. 

"They're pretty, too.." I gaze into Stephen's eyes and in a flash, I lose myself. 

"You're so cringey." Stephen huffs, "But thanks." 

I pick up the fish and  slice it in half with my dagger, offering one half to Stephen. "I'm not hungry." as if on cue, Stephen's stomach growls. I let out a loud laugh and shove his half of his fish into his hands. We sit together on my "bed" and eat our fish while chatting. 

"You had  to find me? So you could keep your fucking job?" Stephen asks, obviously enraged at my boss. 

"Hah, yeah. It stinks, but it's no big deal. Besides I would've never met you if I hadn't come here."

Stephen's frown promptly changes into beaming smile.


I haven't known Stephen for that long, but I feel like I really know him. When I get upset about a sensitive topic he never makes fun of me, in fact, he comforts me. Out of the blue, he asks me,

"Aren't you going to have to leave now?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, completely forgetting why I came into this jungle. 

"You found me, have to go back." Stephen averts his gaze.

"I.." Stephen glaces at me with pleading eyes and I softly smile, "No. I don't."

The thing is, I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave Stephen, to be exact. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm in love with a monster. 

A/n: I'm so glad I'm back to regular one shots! hope you guys enjoyed this one, sorry for the lack of updating I kinda lost inspiration. My summer vacation has started though, so I should be uploading a good amount of one shots. love you all a lot! <33

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