An Unhealthy Obsession- yandere! Daniel x reader part three

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Recap: Dan brought me to the bed and shoved me onto it, unbuckling his pants...

Present time:
Language and some stuff that is very very dirty

Dan took off his pants and boxers and tore off his shirt. What. The. Shit. Is . Going. On. I felt my face heat up at the sight of Dan naked. "Snap out of it Y/n!" I thought, "he fucking kidnapped you!" I tried to get up and move but Daniel pinned my arms above my head. He ogled at my body and I grew scared, what's going to happen to me?

Without looking up, he slowly started to take off my clothes.
"He-hey! Stop!" I yelled. This can't be happening. I tried kicking him off, but he sat right on top of me so I couldn't do anything. He took off my clothes, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I felt tears forming at the corners of my eyes. But this time I couldn't hold them back. Dan didn't notice though, he leaned in for a kiss and planted a wet one right on my lips. He closely moved his head down towards my neck and started sucking on it. I couldn't do anything but lay there crying while this maniac screws me. I started shaking as Dan moved his head lower and lower. He reached my underwear and he was about to take it off, but he noticed me trembling. I looked him dead in the eye and noticed that the lust in his eyes were gone and all that was there was regret and sympathy. He pulled away,
"I'm- im sorry.. Y/n.. I didn't mean to.."
I started sobbing while slowly putting my clothes back on. I collapsed on my side of the bed and screamed, "I hate you!" Everything went silent and I was about to fall asleep until Dan pulled me over to him and grabbed my shoulders, looking me in the eye,
"Now now, I know you don't mean that.." He tried his best to stay calm. But I wasn't about to let him off scott free.
"I do! I hate you so much! I wish we'd never met and that you'd leave. Forever!"
Dan flipped my around and pushed me face first into the bed. I moved my head so it was facing the right, but Dan pushed my head down hard and sat on my back. He brought out his knife once more and held it by my right cheekbone.
"Now. Now." He repeated in a much darker tone, "You don't mean that. Do you?"  I didn't dare answer. "Not choosing to speak? Ah, guess I'll have to punish you~" he slashed the knife at my cheekbone, cutting it, I screamed. He didn't do anything at first, but then suddenly I felt something warm and sticky lick my cut.
"Ugh! Did you just fucking lick me? That's nasty Dan! Get off of me!" I struggled to move. But I stopped when I felt a bulge on my back. We both went quiet,
"...Dan?" I felt the bulge grow bigger. I didn't say a word. I kept my mouth shut.
"..say it again.." Dan whispered.
"What?" I asked, annoyed.
"Say my name again, pet !"
"What? No!"
He brought the knife close to my face again, I nervously said,
"Uhm.. Da- Daniel.." I heard heavy breathing from Dan. I didn't dare look up, not wanting to check what he was doing.  "Say it again my pet "
(A/n: what the actual heck am I writing nfjdjsn)
"Wait, isn't he still naked?!"  I bounce out of his grip and see him drooling while holding his pp.
(A/n: okay now I can't stop laughing because before pp, I put kaka)
I felt myself boil with anger,
"Fuck you!" I flipped him off and started running around the room, so he wouldn't be able to catch me. Tears were rolling down my face, I just want to go home. I may not have anyone, but at least I have my house. I tried running for the door but Dan caught me and tied me up again with the ropes from before and sat me down on the bed, my feet hanging from the side. "I cannot believe you! You.. you.." I couldn't find a good insult. "You, celery lookin asshole!"
"Is that the best you've got?" Dan laughed.
"I'll never love you, I'll escape one day. And to make one thing fucking clear: I'm not your pet, so screw off bitch." That caught Daniel off guard! I smugly smiled at him, but that look soon got wiped off my face as Dan bent down, hands right beside my hips, and face, inches away from mine. The way he looked at me sent shivers up and down my spine.
"You will always, be my pet." He snarled, "and you are never getting out of here, and I'll make sure of it.. my pet~"

A/n: eeb (bees conscience): these are supposed to be oneshots not threeshots!
bee: I know I know, I don't know what I wrote, I seriously don't remember half of it. All I remember is laughing at the lime scene and at "kaka".

This threeshot sucked butt. I'm sorry to the person who requested this, you deserve way better. This was so chaotic, like, the reader just didn't give a crap in this. I kinda enjoyed making this bc I made myself laugh, but I hate myself, and now I'm going to read away my problems, cya my kiddos!

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