Adore You- all x reader part one

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A/n: requested by VoidDrifterSakura1 Yo, happy birthday! Hope you have an amazing day and hope you like this! In this os, you'll be paired with Dan, Hosuh, Jay, Stephen and Ann. Enjoy!


Y/n's POV

I can't believe it's been one whole year! One year since I moved away from this small town called Sleepyoak. My dad got a new job offer so we had to move. It's been too long since I have seen my friends! My father rented an apartment for me near the school I used to go to. I decided to rejoin the school as well! I'm hoping that I meet my 5 best friends, Ann, Jay, Daniel, Hosuh, and Stephen. After I unpack my suitcase I decide to go for a walk around town. I grab my earbuds, phone, and wallet before leaving. I rush outside, not wanting to wait any longer. I walk towards the nearby coffee shop and enter it. I wait in line behind a girl with short pink ponytails. She's wearing light grey jeans and a blue sweater. She looks at the door behind her and I get a good look at her face, that's funny.. she almost looks like,

"Ann?" I quietly ask, not wanting to embarrass myself if it isn't her. She looks at me confused, but then she grabbed my shoulders, her face full of joy,

"Is it really you, Y/n?"

I nod my  head vigorously. Ann squealed and then brought me in for a bone crushing hug.  "I missed you so much!" I hugged her back,

"Me too girl!" I look up at Ann and I see that shes blushing, I break the hug and hold her hands before asking,

"By the way, are you still in touch with the boys?" I couldn't help but notice that Ann looks a bit disappointed but then her expression changes right away,

"Heck yeah! We share a house as well." I smile at her when she gasps, "We should totally go to our house! I'd love to see the boys' expressions." I giggle,

"Sure cupcake!" Ann's face turns red at the sound of me using her old nickname, we both scurry out of the cafe forgetting about getting coffee. Ann grabs my hand and I blush as she leads the way towards their house.

After what feels like 10 minutes of chatting, we finally reach their house. Ann put a finger to her mouth, signalling me to be quiet. I nod my head and smile as she unlocks her door. She motions for me to stay out here and I mouth 'okay' as I lean against the house. 

Ann's POV

I motion for Y/n to stay outside for a bit. I walk inside the house and am immediately greeted with 'hey Ann's'. I gather everyone inside the living room which is right by the front door.

"So, I have a very important question to ask you four.." I start.

"Shoot." Jay and Stephen say at the same time, high-fiving each other after. 

"Go ahead Ann!" Hosuh smiles.

"We're ready when you are." Dan assures. I let out a breath as the boys silently look at me.

"Do you all still like Y/n?" I inspect each of their facial expressions. Dan looks a bit surprised, Hosuh starts blushing like crazy, Jay looks unbothered but I can tell he's freaking out on the inside, and Stephen looks nervous while blushing a bit. 

"Y-yes.."Hosuh is the first one to break the silence. 

"Uh...yeah, same here." Daniel scratches his cheek.

"Me too." Stephen looks everywhere except at me.

"Yep." Jay says while raising his hand half way.

"Okay, well.. I still do as well." I nervously state. It's unfortunate that all five of us have fallen for the same girl. "A-anyways.. I have a surprise." This catches all of the boys' attention. I open the front door and signal for Y/n to come in. Y/n enters and the blood rushes out of the boys' faces immediately. They all go breathless until Y/n says,

"H-hey guys!" 

"Y/n!" They shout as they tackle her to the ground with a hug. I also plop myself down to hug her. 

Jay's POV

"I can't believe you're actually here!" I whisper. I feel Y/n wraps her arms around us tighter. Now that she's here I can't possibly let her go. I can't. My happiness soon comes to an end as everyone pulls away. Well, everyone except me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hang on, I hear Y/n giggle. She puts one arm around my back to pull me closer while using the other hand to play with my hair. 

"Would you like to stay for dinner? We're ordering pizza!" Daniel grinned. I smiled at what Dan had said and I smiled even more when Y/n accepted. I eventually pulled away from Y/n's grasp, not wanting to annoy her.

Time skip to when the food arrives.

Stephen's POV

 The pizza finally arrives and we all sigh in relief. Daniel goes up to pay for the pizza and comes back with the two boxes. We all cuddle on the couch in the living room and put on a movie. The order from left to right on the couch is Jay, me, Y/n, Daniel, Ann, and then Hosuh. We all dig in to the pizza, we were all starving. As we watch the movie, I could see that Y/n was not tired. If she didn't feel tired, she would go back to her own house! I finally met her after this long, I can't let go now. I sneakily reach over to her ticklish spot and begin tickling. Y/n starts laughing loudly and Daniel pauses the movie. 

"Steph?... what are you doing?" she manages to say. Everyone starts to join in on the tickling and Y/n's face turns red from laughing too much. She jumps out of our grasps and throws a nearby pillow at me,

"Hey!" I whine.

"That's what you get, meanie!" Y/n sticks her tongue out at me and I smile. Hosuh grabs the pillow, throws it and it hits her head. "Ow!" she drops to the floor and starts shaking. 

"Nice job Hosuh ." I roll my eyes as I walks up to Y/n to comfort her. I squat down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, she doesn't look up at me. Hosuh comes over as well,

"I-I'm sorry Y/n! I didn't mean to!"  Hosuh whimpers. I don't notice Y/n picking up the pillow..

"Take that Hosu-aaaa!" But its too late. The pillow hit my face and I topple backward onto my butt. Everyone freezes and Y/n blabbers,

"I'm sorry Stephen! I though you were Hosuh and I'm sorry!-" I cover my face and hide my smile, as well as my blush. I tackle her down to the ground and pin her hands above her head with one arm. I sit on top of her and look at our four other friends. 

"Tickle her." I commanded. I look back at Y/n to see her face full of fear. I smirk,

"You'd better get ready."

"Stephen.. G-guys, don't listen to him!" Y/n looks up at me and tries to get out of my grip. Ann, Jay, Hosuh, and Daniel all come over and start tickling Y/n with everything they've got. "Hahahahah!"Y/n erupts in laughter and tries to break free from my grasp. Key word tries. "Ste...Stephen-"  My eyes widen when she called my name. The way her voice said my name made me want to kiss her beautiful stupid mouth on the spot. I know I was blushing badly and I prayed that Y/n didn't notice. I clear my throat and announce,

"I-it's pretty late, we should head to sleep.." 

Y/n weakly sits up,

"Oh yeah, it's 12 o' clock now." 

"Hey Y/n, why don't you crash with us?" Jay asked. I have never agreed with Jay this much in my life. 

"...If it's alright with you guys.." Y/n hesitantly said.

"We're okay with it!" Hosuh chirped.

"Besides, when's the last time we've had a sleepover?" Daniel added.

"You should share a bed with me!" Ann hugged Y/n's arm. 

"Of course! I doubt any of these guys would like to share a bed with me." Y/n jokingly rolled her eyes at us four boys. I got nervous again and blushed, thinking of when I pinned her on the floor. Daniel scratched his head and Hosuh fiddled with his thumbs. "If only she knew.." I thought. 

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