Freaks- Stephen x reader

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A/n: Welcome back!!! This is a song fic so I hope it turns out good since it's my first. The song is linked above if you wanna listen to it while reading, it's really good. I hope you enjoy!!

Stephen's POV

Don't kill me, just help me run away. 

My raw knuckles rap against her front door. I feel like a fool. Turning to her just because a couple of jerks got to me. 

From everyone.

I hear a muffled "Coming!" and I get the fuzzy feeling I always get when I think of her. God I hate the way she makes me feel. I probably woke her up, too. It's midnight and I'm bothering her.. Despair washes over me once again when the nagging voice in my head dominates my thoughts. "They're right you know, you're just a fucking freak." 

The door opens and I finally get to see my girlfriend. Y/n stares up at me, I know she can already tell something is bothering me. 

"I need a place to stay." 

The scratches in my throat make me wince, but I push the pain away. Y/n grabs my trembling hands with her comforting ones, pulling me in without question. I watch as she locks the door but before she can turn around, I hug her. 

Where I can cover up my face. 

She traces circles over the backs of my hands,"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks, my eyes prick with tears when she turns around to face me. I didn't want her to see me like this but only she can mend me. Her beautiful eyes widen and become glassy when she notices the state I'm in. 

Don't cry. 

Y/n caresses my cheeks hesitantly and moves my hair out of the way. A part of me wanted to let my hair cover my somber expression. She cups my cheeks and wipes my tears that I didn't know were falling. I can't help but lean into her and smile lightly.

I am just a freak.

My beloved interlocks her hand with mine and leads me to her bedroom. Her room gave a cozy vibe, it's always felt like a safe space. Then again anywhere where Y/n is makes a place seem safe to me. She lays me down on her comfortable bed and climbs in next to me, tucking me in. I feel her arm find its way to my chest and she places her palm on top of my heart. 

My head is filled with parasites. 

My heart lurches when I look her in the eye. Not a trace of anything but softness and love. It's as if her eyes are beaming at me. I get lost in the stars that twinkle in her pupils. 

Black holes cover up my eyes.

I can feel my heartbeat slow down as I lay there in her grasp. Perhaps I was right to come see her. Breaking her gaze, she gently pats my chest in efforts to soothe me to sleep. She's too good to be true. Sometimes I can't believe I was able to land her. 

I dream of you almost every night.

My eyes open ever so slightly to catch a glimpse at my lover. Her little taps had become barely noticeable so I came to the conclusion that she fell asleep. I was right, obviously. I feel a bit drowsy myself but before I close my eyes to catch some Z's, I flip onto my side to face her. This girl- My girl. She always knows how to make me feel better. 


My eyes shut themselves as I scoot nearer to Y/n and drape myself over her body. It gets hard to think as I doze off to sleep with her in my arms.

I won't wake up this time.

A/n: Hey lovelies!! I hope that was good haha I think I kinda liked it :) Hope you did toooooo

This is like,,, my favorite song and I especially love the ending. The entire thing makes me feel so many emotions at the same time. Btw, sorry if the plot didn't make sense I switched the pov to Stephen's a quarter of the way through writing it through yours and then winged it uh- This is also shorter than the other ones I've written so that's a surprise lolol for once I'm not writing oneshots that are like 1,000 words. I'm getting more into the groove of writing again and I'm super excited aaaaa Stay safe, hydrated, and healthy!

Catch you in the next one! Bee out


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