"I know. Good to see you too."

While they caught up, I gave the rest of the room one solid wave and a pained smile. Emotions were mixed, but as I scanned the tables, one particularly sorrowful face caught my eye in particular, and that was Kenny. He was sitting next to Vince and Tamar, trying not to hold eye contact with me for too long. It was already too late. My gaze only left his face when Janet's hand on the small of my back pulled me away.

"Trina," I called as she went to take her seat again. I noticed the only two remaining seats happened to be right across from him. I felt my heart begin to race.

"Yes, ma'am?" She was already pouring herself another mimosa from the buffet counter.

"Come here for a second? Jan, do you wanna set our stuff down?"

Janet helped me out of my coat willingly. "Sure." My guess is she hadn't seen him yet, but she would very soon. I kissed her cheek before she left.

"What's up?" Trina asked when we were left alone. I glanced over again to see Janet giving hugs to all of my sisters, starting at the end furthest from him. I had to force myself to peel my eyes away yet again to talk to Trina.

"Why is he—"

"He couldn't make it yesterday, as you saw... we invited him because... well, he's still family... to... us," she explained carefully. "He flew all the way from Europe to be here, Toni."

"Bullshit. Bullshit. And furthermore, why do I have to sit right next to him? Who's bright idea was that?" I crossed my arms.

"Honestly, that was just how it ended up. Not on purpose. Gabe and I will switch with you, if—"

"No, everyone's comfortable already. Actually, I would like to talk to him. Don't worry about it."

"Toni, please don't cause a scene..." she begged. "We just got everybody situated, and... the kids—"

"When do I ever cause a scene? Don't worry. I'll be civil."

"Okay..." she said reluctantly.

"Hey, I got you a drink, um..." Janet returned with two bright orange champagne flutes filled with the spiked orange juice. I took one. "Did you know—"

"Hell no. But it's okay. We're all adults, right?"

She eyed me carefully. I'm sure she was expecting me to blow up, but I didn't want to do that. He didn't deserve any more of my energy. He was here for my family. Not me.

"... Right..."

"You want me to fix you a plate? Hey, I don't think you've met my dad yet," I said.

"No, I got it... Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, baby. I can handle myself, and him, if need be. I just want to eat, mingle a little, and go. An hour, tops. Okay?"

"Okay, Toni Michele."

"I promise. Come on, I'm starving." I grabbed her free hand and took us to the extensive buffet table. I hadn't eaten a full meal in what felt like days. I filled my plate and balanced it carefully all the way until we got back to our seats. My father was sitting at the head of the table, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek as I sat down adjacent to him. "Hey, Daddy. I don't think you got a chance to meet Jan."

"No, but I know exactly who she is." He grinned at her. They shook hands briefly before she took her seat. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." Janet responded.

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