"Molly,"Collin sighed.

  "Yeah. It gets worse."


  "About two weeks later, I got really sick. Like, I started vomiting, I had really bad cramps, and I missed my period. I talked to my mom and she took me to the doctor. I f-found o-out I was p-pregnant Collin. The doctor told me I was gonna be a mother at sixteen years old...and I already knew who the father was."


  "Michael was the father. I was so upset. When I got home I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. On the way home mom didn't say anything to me. She just ignored me and looked so upset. She looked so disappointed in me, like I was the most horrible daughter ever."

  He grabbed my hand as I was about to cry.

  "The first ones to know besides my mom were Hannah, Kameron, and Riley. They immediantly came over to my aid. They already knew that it wasn't my fault. It was Michael's. He had to do that. He had to lock me in that horrible bedroom and touch me and hurt me. He had to be satisfied."

  He kissed my hand as I continued.

  "A-and then...my mom told my dad. My dad stormed into my bedroom madder than ever before. He screamed at me for thirty minutes straight. I couldn't tell them that it was all Michael...then they would know that I drank alcohol. And that is worse than being raped. Telling your parents you were underaged drinking."

  He shook his he'd and looked down.

  "After my parents were done screaming at me, they left for the night. They said they had to leave and relax for a couple of hours. So, that was when I called M-Michael." I closed my eyes and breathed in. "He was so unphased. He told me I deserved to be pregnant."

  "What?!,"Collin asked full of anger. I nodded and continued. "He told me that I got pregnant for a reason. Because we were meant to be. We were destined to be together. We belonged together and what not. I told him that he was the most horrible jerk on the entire planet. I told him I was gonna call the cops on him, and he was gonna rot in prison for the rest of his stupid life."


  "So, I finally came to the conclusion to tell my parents the truth once they got home."

  He nodded and squeezed my hand.

  "When my parents got home...I told them everything. They didn't even phase at the mention of me drinking alcohol. They went nutts when I told them that he raped me. Dad hugged me and let the tears roll down his cheeks. Mom also hugged me, we were all a mess. We were in each other's arms crying. Mark was in New Jersey for the week with his friends and all of their girlfriends. Dad said how he was going to personally strangle Michael's throat. Mom said that they were gonna call the cops and press immediate charges." He kissed my palms again. "So, I decided not to have an abortion, an abortion would be like killing the innocent. I was gonna keep the baby and raise it without Michael. I wasn't gonna let him ruin my life and make excuses to be near me when he got out of jail. Yes, he did end up going to prison. He went to juvy until he turned eighteen, and then went to prison. At about four months, I got really heavy bleeding and I felt really week. Mom rushed me to the hospital and had the doctor find out what was wrong. I explained my symptoms and had blood drawn. I found out...that i-i h-had a m-miscarriage. I cried for days. My stomach still had its bump. I was really skinny sophomore year, so my bump was really noticeable. I started running. Like everyday. I ran for hours and hours on end. I only ate salad without no toppings or anything, drank a lot of water, and ran around town whenever I could. I had to lose the weight I gained. It only took me about a month. I finally started eating real food again, but I still ran everyday, just not as long...and that's why I run a lot..."

  "Molly. Do you know what happened to Michael?"

  "He killed himself."

  "At least he's dead."

  "As vwrong as it sounds...I agree with you."

  "Molly, I would've killed him if I would have known you."


  "How did Mark take it?"

  "He wanted to kill him as much as you do now."

  "Good brother."

  "I know..."

  "Molly, I am so sorry."

  "Don't. If there is any word I hate...I hate the word sorry. It has no meaning whatsoever."

  "S-...I love you Molly. As crazy as of sounds, I honestly love you."

  I looked at him surprised. Then I crashed my lips to his. I really liked Collin. I felt like I could tell him anything.

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