Nice to see you again part 1

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Hey guys so this is my new fanfiction. when reading please vote and comment because when there are no comments I don't know if you like it or not so please comment when reading!💜Enjoy!


Y/n: Im gonna be late

I said as I was rushing out of the house with barely both of my heels on. I jumped into my car putting my bag in the seat next to me and drove off

Y/n: can't I park closer? This will have to do i guess

I ran out of the car and started walking faster while looking down not being aware if my surroundings. As I was walking I jumped into someone

??: watch where you're going next time

Y/n: Why don't you?

I looked up to see a handsome face with a golden suit and blonde hair he looked furious, but I felt like I've seen him before I just can't put my finger on it. Whatever I need to go.

Y/n: bye sir

??: HEY

I walked away without him finishing his sentence. When I got into the company I went to the receptionist

Y/n: Hi miss I'm here for the Secretary job

Receptionists: Just in time the boss isn't here right now but you can wait in his room for when he comes

She directed to me where his room was and I left to go the room where I was told

Y/n: Damn this is huge

??: It's you again, what are you doing here?

I turned around to see that man again from the streets why is he here for

Y/n: I'm here for the Secretary job I'm waiting for the boss

He smirked at me and laughed. When he went behind the desk and sat down I knew I was in trouble he's the boss isn't he?

??: Well nice to meet you I'm the boss


Y/n: You're the boss? Im sorry because of what I said earlier on

??: it's ok sit down and pass your CV to me

Y/n: May I ask what I should call you

Taehyung: Well my name is Taehyung but I advise you to call me Mr.Kim

He raised an eyebrow at me

Y/n: Yes

Taehyung's p.o.v

Who is she? I know her. But from where? That I'm not sure.

Taehyung: you've got a good CV

When I said that she started smiling

Taehyung: you start tomorrow

Y/n: Yes. I'll be there at what time?

Taehyung: At 8

Y/n: Ok thank you

She ran out the door happy how cute.

Y/n's p.o.v

I got the job. But I have to work for him. I can't wait to tell my dad

Y/n: PA

Y/n's dad: Yes yes what is it?

Y/n: I got the job

He smiled and came to me to give me a hug

Y/n's dad: I'm so happy for you I'm do proud

He started coughing intensely

Y/n: you okay appa?

Y/n's dad: We need to go to the ho-*cough*

I walked him to the car and we drove off to the hospital

Y/n: don't worry you'll be ok please it's ok

He tried to stop coughing but it didn't stop once we reached the hospital I helped him out and asked for help

Nurse: What's wrong with him do you know?

The nurse looked worried

Y/n: I don't know he just started coughing and wouldn't stop he told me to take him here

Nurse: does he smoke?

Y/n: No I'm sure he doesn't he would tell me

He looked up at me and held my hand

Y/n's dad: Nurse yes I do smoke

Y/n: What?

Y/n's dad: after your mother left me I couldn't stop it was like a stress reliever

Y/n: I can't believe you didn't tell me

He closed his eyes and I was just confused I'm sure smoking wouldn't do this right?

Y/n: is this what happens when you smoke?

Nurse: No smoking doesnt do this, it must be something else

Y/n: He will survive right?

Nurse: I'm sure we can do something but it depends as he is in an old age

I'm scared, what if he doesn't survive?

I went outside to wait for the nurse to tell me if he will be ok or not

Time skip 30 min

I've been waiting for about half an hour.

Nurse: Y/n?

I stood up

Y/n: Is he okay?

Nurse: He's gone

Y/n: What?

Nurse: I'm sorry

I sat back down and couldn't stop crying is this my reward for getting a job?

Taehyung: Why are you crying?

Nice to see you again || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now