Annoying Tony is the best

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A/N- I want to hit my sister with a frying pan.



Summary: Peter and Harley spend a day annoying Tony.




Harley POV

I walked into the kitchen when I heard something above me. I looked op and saw Peter sitting on the ceiling. "Hey there, Pete. What are you doing on the ceiling", I ask my younger brother, "Nothing really", he says and jumps down. "Let's go eat breakfast", I hear Peter say and I hum in response.


We walk into the kitchen and immediately get greeted by Loki, Steve, Thor, Bucky, Nat, Sam and dad. "Good morning fellow residents of Stark Tower, the light of your lives has arrived", I say and sit down at the table while Steve places some eggs, bacon and toast in front of me and Peter. I stand up and get some coffee and walk back to the table. "You're more like a darkness that's creeping it's way into my live", I hear dad say and I fake gasp, "Dad! How could you say that to your own son?" "Well, exactly how I just did.", my dad chuckles when he sees my face. "You are lucky I agree with you. Peter here is the light of everyone's lives, I'm the darkness. And together we hold the power!" "Yeah, okay. No more coffee for you", dad says while taking away my coffee and I just pout.




Peter POV

I'm currently in the lab with Harley and dad. Harley and I are improving my web shooters and dad is improving his suits. "Hey FRI, turn on some music will ya", I hear Harley say, "Of course, what kind of music would you like to play, eldest spawn of Stark?" "Oohh, I like the nickname FRI, and let's play some," he turns around and looks at dad with a smirk, "let's play some Led Zeppelin!" "OH COME ON HARLEY." "HELL YEAH HARLS GOOD ONE", I shout and we are laughing so hard at dad's face when FRIDAY actually plays Led Zeppelin.

Then uncle Rhodey walks in and dad yells, "HONEYBEAR MY SONS ARE TORTURING ME" "Well dad, no-one is making you stay", I say with a smug look on my face and Rhodey just looks at dad with an exasperated look on his face, rolls his eyes and leaves again. "PLATYPUS WHERE ARE YOU GOING", dad yells after him and he runs out of the lab. Harley and I look at each other and start laughing again. "Come on let's finish these web shooters", Harley says and we start working again.


One hour later


Harley and I just finished my web shooters and dad still hasn't come back. "Where's dad", Harley asks and I shrug, "I'm hungry, let's go to the kitchen and we can go look for him. But first I want food." "Agreed! Let's go!"


We walk into the kitchen and get greeted by uncle Clint and uncle Rhodey, "Hey guys, do you know where dad is?" "Yeah, he stormed out after Rhodey left.", Harley says and Rhodey scrunches his face, "Wasn't that about an hour ago? Have you been looking for him for an hour?" "Hell nah, we were working on Pete's web shooters" "Why don't you just ask FRI?" "Oh hey that's a good idea! Why didn't we think of that?" "Who cares, hey FRI, where's dad?", I ask the AI, "Boss is currently in Dr Banner's lab." " Ok thanks FRI"

Harley and I look at each other and simultaneously say, "Food first!!"


We were eating some pizza when uncle Bruce and dad walked in, "Hey dad", I happily say and dad walks over and ruffles my hair, "Hey Pete, hello treacherous son of mine" "Hey there old man" , Harley jokes. Dad just fake glares at him and Harley is making funny faces.

All of a sudden dad just burst out in laughter, which makes me laugh even harder than I already did. Harley looks at us and starts laughing as well.

Let's just say you can't stay mad at Harley.





A/N- Okay this was fun to write.



~ x M

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