Hold me

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A/N – Sorry it's been like almost two years since a one shot, I have been incredibly busy with college, my internship and work. I loved my internship though so that's really good. I was also dealing with a writer's block and I've been recovering from that for about three months now so there's that. My mental health also tanked for a bit after a certain thing happened. I'm not going to get into that though. Let's just say that a lot has happened since May 2022, also good things to be completely honest. Two weeks ago I went to Orlando for a 10-day exchange trip with college and I had the best time of my life. It was amazing and I would without a doubt do it all over again. Anyways like I said, a lot has happened in these past two years and honestly? It has been a rollercoaster, I've had the good, the bad and the in between. I'm recovering and that is the most important thing. Anyways, a new one shot has arrived and I was going to make it a sad one but I changed my mind. You guys are lucky.



Summary: Peter goes out on patrol but something happens.



Peter POV

"Bye dad, I'm going out on patrol!" I call out to my dad before I make my way to the window.

"Alright Pete, be careful!" Dad calls out to me. I shoot my first web out of the window and as soon as I'm swinging through the city I feel the same rush I always feel when I'm out on patrol.

"Hey Karen, you got some crime I can stop?" I ask my very own AI while scanning every street and alley.

"Nothing yet spider, I'll alert you when I find something." I hear the voice of Karen tell me and I smile. I love that dad built me my own AI, I love JARVIS, but there's something awesome about having your own.

Before Karen even tells me I spot some crime happening in an alley. I decide to take a look. It's a drug deal gone wrong and I decide to intervene before anyone dies. Guns have been drawn as I land in the middle.

Third person POV

"Woah guys, calm down. No need to kill each other." Peter says as he tries to get them to lower their guns.

"Who the hell are you, go away freak." One of the guys holding a gun says. The moment he says the word 'freak' Peter is offended.

"Woah man, why are you calling me a freak. Also pleaser lower your guns." Karen is talking to Peter but he isn't hearing any of it. She's telling him to be careful and to get out of there because they are all incredibly hostile. She is telling him if he doesn't get out of there she is going to call Tony.

"And what if we don't lower them? What if we just, I don't know, shoot you?" One of the people asks and to demonstrate, he shoots Peter in the leg.

Before Peter really registers the shot to his leg the other five guys shoot him, he is shot in numerous places. Before he knows it he has about twelve gunshot wounds and two of the guys even came up to stab him four times. The only good thing to come out of all this was that none of the criminals decided to kill each other.

The men take off and Peter is laying there, all alone in an alley. It barely even registers in Peter's head that Karen is currently calling his dad to come and get him. To hopefully save him.

"Calling 'dad'. Stay awake Peter" he hears the voice of his AI in the distance.

"Kiddo? You okay?" Peter registers his dad's voice ringing in his ears. When Tony doesn't get a reply he speaks up again.

"Pete? Are you there? Kiddo are you okay? Pete? Peter? I'm on my way, stay awake Pete." Peter hears his dad's voice becoming more frantic by the second.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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