[book 1] chapter twenty-one: i unload my baggage

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    "Jameson?" Helena's voice called out as she entered the kitchen. She smiled when she saw me. "Honey, why are you still awake?"

    "I just got up for a drink of water." I held up my glass to show her. I was expecting Helena to leave, but instead she stood in place still smiling at me.

    "When you called me yesterday it felt like a dream," she began. "It all seemed too good to be true that my Jameson was coming back." A regretful look flashed across her face. "It hurt me so much to send him away. I would never abandon my sweet boy but Bobby insisted he be taught a lesson."

    "Why are you still with Bobby?" I blurted without thinking. Come on, she couldn't blame me for wondering, Bobby was an absolute dick.

    Helena smiled again though this time it didn't reach her eyes. Her formerly twinkling grey eyes were far more dull and void of life. "Bobby has been good to my family in ways I'm afraid my son will never understand. He was there for us when Jameson's father left."

    "You both divorced?" I asked, prying way more than I knew was respectful but I was just so curious and James wouldn't tell me anything.

    Helena shook her head. "A different kind of passing, dear." I nodded, unsure of what to say. I briefly recalled James mentioning his dad had a history with drugs but judging by the look on Helena's face I didn't want to push that topic further. "While Bobby isn't the best example I want leading my son, he's better than nothing," she finished. Now it all made sense. Helena knew her new husband was whack, but I supposed it beat living on the streets.

    "I'm sorry," I said, though it wasn't like my apology could magically solve all of their problems.

    "Everything happens for a reason." She paused. "He met you." Her eyes flashed with the warm spark that was missing prior. "It gives me ease knowing my son has someone like you in his life. He's lucky to have you." I awkwardly took a sip of my water. What the hell was I even supposed to say to that? Be a bashful idiot and disagree, or be a pompous dick and agree? "You should get some rest," Helena said before leaving me alone in the kitchen.

    I finished the rest of my water as I pondered over her words. James and Helena were both the only family the other had, meanwhile Bobby gave zero shits when he put a wedge between mother and son. It was at that moment I made a mental promise to take care of James and always be there for him. I liked him in more ways than he'd ever know, and I couldn't bear to see him get hurt like he'd been hurting in the past. I returned back to our shared bedroom and slowly crept back into the bed. The wooden floor betrayed me by creaking with every step I took and I hoped it wouldn't disturb James. My luck ran out just as I got under the covers when I heard James move. 

    "Dani, is that you?" he muttered, half asleep.

    "Go back to sleep," I whispered softly. James murmured incoherent words that I couldn't make out as he sleepily adjusted his position. He threw his arm over my stomach, resting his head on my chest and within seconds I heard his light snores fill the room. I ran my fingers through his curly hair until I found my eyes growing heavy. I gently pressed my lips to his forehead. "Goodnight."


    "It was great meeting you, Mrs. Hastings."

    The tiny woman shook her head in disappointment. "I told you to call me Helena. You're family now."

    I smiled at her. "Bye, Helena."

    "You better visit soon," she told me before giving James a stern look. "And you better as well."

    He chuckled, a grin on his face. "I promised you I'm coming next weekend, Ma."

    She hugged both of us before waving goodbye as we got into my car, not stopping until we could no longer see her. Although we had a long drive ahead of us, time flew by. James filled the air as he animatedly shared stories of his childhood and I quietly listened, enjoying this new side of him. The brooding lone wolf was now replaced with a beaming and energetic kid. Spending the day with his mom unleashed a whole new James, one who loved the world and everything in it. It wasn't until we stopped for gas did I get a break from his stories, not that I was complaining. After paying inside the gas station, I returned back to the car to an oddly quiet atmosphere.

Kiss My Sass [Books 1 & 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora