¹¹ Painful Reminders

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'Immy, this isn't you.'

Imogen opted to look at the gravel under her, trying to avoid eye contact as she walked past Carol and Tommy's prying eyes.

'The love of my life died!'

The girl ignored their calls for her to stop, her breathing becoming heavy, it was growing harder and harder to breathe in like everything was closing around her.

'Immy, are you....?'

'She died in front of me at the hospital--'

Imogen's heart pounded against her chest, but she kept walking, avoiding any eyes on her as her thoughts rushed back to her.

'I love her. I love her.'

She stopped, her eyes darting around frantically, tears blurring her vision as she gasped for her breath.

"Hey, are you okay?"

'I know, kid. I always knew.'

The girl snapped out of it, swallowing as her rapid heartbeat didn't cease.

Imogen looked around confused, connecting eyes with a concerned-looking Robin in front of her, holding Imogen up.

"Are you okay?" The band-geek asked again, her blue eyes scanning Imogen's face, her brows creased in worry.

Imogen took deep breaths, her eyes scanning the hallway, her skin crawling when she noticed all the eyes on her, prying, whispering, judging.

"Hey," Robin said, bringing Imogen's attention back to her, "Just focus on me."

Imogen scanned the girl's face, taking in her bright eyes, blue as the ocean, and her freckles that were a constellation of stars that shine outside the Harrington girl's window.

The longer she stared the more dread started filling her stomach, pulling away from Robin, her heart feeling heavy. "I'm fine."

Robin blinked, awkwardly smiling, "Okay. See you--"

"--around. See you around." Imogen smiled, walking off leaving a confused Robin behind, but Imogen was remembering the words from her dream, the words Issa last said.

See you later, Imogen knew Robin was about to say it, and that made Imogen panic inside.

"You good?"

Imogen flinched, not noticing when Billy had arrived, looking around to make sure Carol and Tommy weren't around, calming when they weren't. "Yeah."

"You sure? I saw that little scene back there." Billy raised a brow, walking towards their class they had together.

She grabbed onto the ring, fiddling with it. "I'm fine."

Billy stared at the girl for a moment before he sighed and dropped the subject, trying to ignore the flinch and whimper Imogen let out when the bell rang.


She was on the gym bleachers, it was her free period, and had nothing better to do so why not watch the boys play basketball.

Her cheek was propped on her hand, leaning on her leg, watching the boys boredly, her other hand fiddling with her ring.

Her eyes went out of focus, getting lost in her thoughts, thinking about the monster that has been haunting her dreams.

Issa's last words had invaded the girl's mind, See you later, the irony right?

Imogen held a whimper when she remembered the screech of the monster, the sound blending with the squeak of the shoes hitting the floor.

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