You've GOT to be kidding me.

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I'm guessing after seeing that title you probably wanna know what happened today. Nothing special really. It's just me shouting at life once again; "You've GOT to be kidding me."

It's been one day since school began and so far none of my friends know of my current situation at school and I plan to keep it that way. This is a secret I have to keep if I'm going to have friends for up to a month. Uncle Wu found out I started using a di- I mean journal, yesterday. It was the craziest thing ever, but let's not get into it.

My new friends said they wanted to come over to my place and tell me something important. I'm a bit nervous. What if they unfriend me? They are the first friends I've had since I was twelve and my last friend ditched me cause I almost killed his elder brother. In my defense, Brad's elder brother Tony tried to kill me first.

Oh look, they're here, got to go.


I'm back and let's just say I'm relieved. Here's what happened.

"Hey, guys!" I said to them nervously. I had opened the door for them, watching them stare at my house and taking in the surroundings.

"Cool house!" Jay said. He's shy but very innovative and cool. He's smart, loves inventing stuff, and always wears his orange scarf.

"You said it," Kai agreed. He's a hotshot, kind of. He's nice and cool but a serious hothead. He's also very overprotective of his sister Nya.

"Awesome paintings," Nya said looking at the ancient paintings hanging on the wall. Nya's possibly the coolest girl I ever met. She has this awesome motorcycle which she sometimes rides in school. So cool!

"Are those ninja posters?" Zane asked me. Zane's the I-act-like-a-robot guy. He's really interesting to talk with and be with, not to mention fun to be with. I nodded looking at the posters of the ninja hanging in the sitting room.

"My uncle Wu's idea not mine. He says I should try fanning over things like teens my age do, so he brought all this stuff home one day." I gestured to the ninja posters, ninja bobbleheads, ninja action figures, and all those other stuff.

"Are you really a fan of the ninja?" Cole asked. Did he seem... expectant? Not sure what the right word to use is. Cole's the music guy. He always has his headphones on listening to any kind of music he wants. He's fun to talk with and gave me this weird nickname- 'Green-bean'.

"Of course he's a fan of the ninja," Kai stated, plopping on the couch. "Who isn't?"

"Yeah, Cole," Jay said, "The ninjas save people all the time from every single one of the Dark Lord's attacks."

"Actually, the ninjas don't really help much," I admitted. I'm not a ninja but if I were I'm pretty sure I'd have found a way to get rid of this Dark Lord, by now.

"What do you mean by that?" Nya asked taking offense, "W- The ninjas save people all the time." You saw the 'W-' right? I'm not the only one that thinks she was about to say we, right? You know what, I'm pretty sure she was going to say something totally different and changed it before she could say it.

"Exactly," Kai said. He too seemed to be taking offense, "The ninjas are always there to help people."

"Sure," I replied sarcastically. "The Dark Lord's been disturbing Ninjago's peace since I was two. The former ninja at least tried to take him down but they could never beat him. The new set of ninjas, on the other hand, haven't tried to take him down. They just sit and wait for the next attack, beat him, and wait for the next attack."

"So? What's wrong with that?" Cole asked. I brought out some chips and guac and set them on the table.

"Why can't they ever attack the Dark Lord? The way they smile on the news and whenever they beat Garmadon shows off an heir of confidence. They always beat him when he's outside his lair but why not in his lair before he thinks of something next?"

"Maybe they just never thought about that," Zane defended.

"That just proves how much the ninjas aren't supposed to be ninjas. If you ask me they're just in it for the fun of it." I was serious when I said that.

"That's not all bad is it?" Jay asked. Who knew my friends liked the ninja so much they'd defend them this hard.

"It is bad," I argued. "Being a ninja calls for being serious, and that means taking their jobs seriously. How can they call themselves superheroes if they can't once and for all defeat the bad guy?"

"They could if they wanted to." Kai defended.

"But do they want to?" I asked questioning Kai's sentence. "People should stop looking at only the good part of things, or in the ninja's case, achievements. They should compare both good and bad together see how it's working out for them."

"The ninjas defeat the Dark Lord all the time, there is no bad part," Nya argued. This was not how I planned this hangout but apparently, this is how it's going. Better than them unfriending me, right?

"What of the buildings he destroys each time he comes to attack Ninjago? The bridges, the train stations? The people too? All this could be avoided if the ninja just figured out a way to stop the Dark Lord once and for all."

"Spoken like a true leader, Lloyd." I sighed and shook my head. My uncle was always doing that thing where when I say or do something, he'll appear from behind me and say something weird. I like the encouragement but why he does it is what I wonder.

"Hey, uncle Wu," I said trying to act happy to see him. I was happy to see him, showing emotion is my problem. I just don't see the point of it sometimes.

"Hello nephew, hello nephew's friends."

"Master- I mean mister Wu," Jay said stammering, "Good afternoon." Jay sounded nervous just like he always does when my uncle is around.

It's not just him, though. Everyone else is always fidgety whenever my uncle is around. Don't know why.

"Good Afternoon." Everyone else greeted nervously. I decided to change the subject.

"So," I started, attracting their attention, "You guys came over to tell me something?" I opened the bag of chips but then I opened it too hard and the orange stuff sprayed on my face, making everyone laugh.

"I meant to do that," Actually, I didn't but they already knew that.

"Well, Lloyd," Zane said, "We actually came to tell you some important we hope you'd understand."

Ooh, exciting... not. They're probably going to tell me the usual we can't be friends with you, our parents don't trust kids like you.

"We are in the yearbook club's private, um, section," Nya said. I remember Zane's face when he eyed Nya after she said that. He looked so confused.

"Yeah, and well that means disappearing once in a while." Kai supported. I didn't buy it. I mean, would you? For really secretive friends they are bad at keeping secrets.

"What Kai and Nya mean," Jay said obviously trying to correct the sentence, "is that we are going to be covering Dark Lord attacks for the yearbook so we might disappear once in a while."

"Right," I tried to make it sound believable but it was obvious they knew I wasn't buying it. I felt like I should make them believe so I tried again. "Hey, maybe you could show me what pictures you take. I may not be a fan of the ninja but I just might be interested in the Dark Lord"

The looks on their faces showed they fell for it.

So you see why I was relieved. I know I could have just told you that they were hiding something but didn't want me involved, but I felt like going long story.

Well, got to go. I need to make dinner.

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now