Impossible Choices

Start from the beginning

There was still grumbling, but they all knew it was the best option. When Hojo looked like he was going to speak again, Vincent stepped toward him and lowered his voice. "Keep silent. You have done enough." Hojo scoffed at him, but something in the look the gunman gave him had him holding his tongue. For once.


Tseng had also let Rude know that Jenova had been dealt with when he called, so three people were waiting outside the mansion when the group arrived. A patched up and horrified looking Angeal stood next to the Turk, and a bent old woman was with them. Despite all the things that needed to be said, everyone kept their silence as they rushed into the house. The woman had pointed to a room that had already been prepared. The only concession to the things that needed to be addressed was when Zack passed Angeal. He gave him a relieved look and clapped him on the shoulder once before he rushed after the rest. The only exception was Hojo. Rude took him so that he could be secured until some decision was made.

Genesis laid Kris down but hovered over her restlessly. The old woman tried to push past him, but he barely gave her room to move. She tried to ignore him over her shoulder as she did a basic once over. She made a surprised gasp when she saw Kris' eyes as well before she turned to the rest. Sephiroth spoke up before she could ask any questions. "She was exposed to mako while we were up there."

The woman gave him a doubtful frown but didn't question him. Instead, she made a shooing motion to the rest of them. "Out. All of you."

Genesis and Zack both objected loudly. She glared at them both. "You're only in the way. Out. Now." She then turned to the other men and gave them all a once over before she pointed at Rufus. "You can stay."

For once, the young Vice-President looked at a loss for words. The old woman ignored it as she turned back to her patient and spoke over her shoulder. "You're the only one that looks calm. If the rest of you want to help, then go boil some water. Be on hand if we need anything."

Despite the uproar, Sephiroth managed to corral the rest of the men and lead them out. Both Zack and Genesis refused to go farther than the doorway, though Tseng agreed to do as the woman had asked. The rest of the men took up spots in the hallway with various concerned expressions.

It was perhaps ten minutes later that Rufus stepped out with a slight frown. His gaze immediately went to the closest Turk. "The water?"

Tseng had just come up with a bowl that he handed over. Rufus took it before he spoke again. "We need a cup and a spoon as well—some sort of strainer or linen too."

Tseng immediately jumped to find the things that had been asked for. Rufus went to put his burden down but was right back out. Several of the others had questions for him while he waited. Instead of trying to field them all, he held up a hand for silence. "She confirmed that Kris was having contractions, but they do not seem to be regularly timed. She does not appear to be in labor, but there is still danger for them both. The midwife is doing what she can."

Zack took a step back with wide, dismayed eyes, and Genesis cursed. By that time, Tseng had returned. Rufus took the items and turned to go back inside. He ignored the rest of the questions and closed the door firmly behind himself.

His information did not serve to reassure the rest of the men at all. Sephiroth ended up standing in front of the door to keep his friend from barging in and interrupting the woman that was trying to help Kris. He knew it would serve no purpose, even if he didn't like waiting either.

It was an extremely tense half-hour later that both Rufus and the midwife emerged once again. She sighed before she looked around. Her gaze landed on a scowling Genesis. "I assume you're the father?"

He stepped forward and tried his best not to yell. "Yes. What is going on?"

She gave him a nod before she spoke. "I was able to stop the contractions, and I left some of the tea in there. She'll need it three times a day to keep them from coming back."

Genesis let out a sigh of relief, but the woman was not done speaking. "That's not all. Do you want to go somewhere private for the rest?"

His relief was short-lived. Her words immediately had his heart in his throat. Zack jumped forward before Genesis could formulate a response. "Wait! That's my sister. I deserve to know what's going on too."

The old woman sighed and nodded. Most of the men around her seemed concerned. "Fine. I will tell you up front that my usual advice would be to not move her until it's time for the baby to come. She's got several months still, so that might not be an option."


Genesis' breathless exclamation prompted another sigh from the midwife, but she kept on anyway. "You said she was exposed to mako. That explains why there is no sign of her waking. It could pass, but if it doesn't, both of them will need more help than we can provide here."

Genesis took a deep breath. "Then, we will take her back to Midgar."

The old woman held up a hand before he could go further. "That's a valid idea, but you need to know the possibilities if you do." She pinned him with an understanding look before she continued. "If they stay here, it's likely you could lose them both. However, if you leave, the travel would be hard on them. Be prepared to make a choice. Likely, you won't be able to save them both."

Genesis looked as though he had just been gut-punched. Zack had tears in his eyes as he spoke up in a quiet voice. "Are you saying- will they-" He couldn't finish his question.

The midwife patted his arm sympathetically. "I wish I had better news. She looks like she's in good shape, so it is possible she would survive if things take a turn for the worse, but I can't say for sure."

Genesis still had his head down as he took a step forward. The woman only realized how upset he was when she noticed the fire around his fingertips. Despite the danger she was in, she gave him a sympathetic look as well. "I know this is hard to hear, but you need to know what to expect."

It was Rufus that gestured for the woman to follow. "It might be best for you to go now. Thank you for your assistance. If you can think of anything else, please let us know."

She gave them all one last sorrowful look before she headed down the stairs. The silence that followed was thick enough to cut. Finally, Zack looked around with a lost expression. However, he could find no solace. Not even Angeal was able to give him supportive words. Especially since his mentor looked even more horrified than he felt. He knew the man probably blamed himself, but Zack just didn't have the words.

Finally, it was Sephiroth that stepped forward. He called out to Genesis and put a hand on Zack's shoulder. "Why don't the two of you go sit with her for now."

They all knew this would be a difficult decision for both men, and none of them knew how to help. They also knew that whatever choice was made, none of them would walk away the same. Genesis still had not spoken when he walked into the room, and Zack was on his heels. It was a quiet group that descended the stairs to wait for what came next.

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