Chapter 11 - A Spark Of Fire.

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With a loud rush of wind, a small ship landed. Heavy footsteps came closer towered you. "I have made my decision," The brothers glanced at each other with hesitant in their eyes. "I have been avoiding telling you how I fell for a while and I never want any of you to hate the other.....," You steeped towered to Cody. "I have chosen, Cody." Rex's blood boiled in rage. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" Rex swung a punch towered Cody's face. Cody dogged the punch. Cody through his own punch. "Silence!" With dark force filled your veins, with the force you lifted the men of there feet. "You will stand down!" A snap of realty all the rage inside of your heart suddenly halted to a stop.

"Answer this question do you know who Senator Calista is?" "No sir, I heard she was banished from the Jedi council she seemed like a rude lady." "She was my mother! My mother was framed from leaking information on the war!" You had calmed your anger but tears rained down your face. "My father was Commander Wolffe of the 104th Battalion, When my mother gave birth to me the Jedi consul found out about the clone and Jedi marriage they forced her to give up her only child or have my father shoot."  Rex and Cody's eyes widened in shook. they heard many rumors about wolfs past but they didn't know if it was just rumors. You know they had to know all of the story, you tapped into your memories and had them appear with you.

*A flashback*

(Wolf's POV)

The starship swiftly landed on landing pad 89-4. "General, Plo Koon, I'm glad you are here. the others are waiting." My heart stopped a beat when my eyes saw the breathtaking senator she was wearing a beautiful champagne dress that shaped her tall and slider body beautifully the senator's eyes were a soft sapphire blue that ratted beauty. Wait what I shouldn't be caring she's a senator I'm a commander I can't by law have a lover Wolf, focus you have a mission. We traveled into the meeting room. I tried to distract my self with what was around me, but my eyes all ways landed back to the graceful senator.

After hours of listing to the meeting, I revised a massage from general Kenobi. He informed me the deathwatch was going to explode the senate room to capture the head senator Calista I told her to come with me she didn't move. I repeated what I had said she told me she knows were the deathwatch was going to hit and tell my men to lead the other senators to the lower floor. "Yes, mama." I nodded and told my men the orders I trailed behind the senator to where deathwatch mite attacks and sure enough she was correct.

"Senator Calista I will give you a chance to leave and surrender to deathwatch if you don't I will glad to put your head on sliver plater." The death watch leader shouted to the Senator. "I will surrender but you must give this brave soldier 20-mile credits, if you don't I will have you beheaded." The senator seat with no fear in her face I became confused and I didn't understand what she was doing. "We will do our part and you will do yours." The young woman nodded and stayed quiet I couldn't tell what she was doing I stayed quite they gave me the 20-mile credits I opened the case and nothing was there

"I never know that the so call wise senator was so foolish." something struck me my blood boiled I have never felt this angered by someone's words so easily, I started to shoot the deathwatch leader. I was hit in pain I held my side. The senator pulled out two lightsabers one was blue and the other was white. "I am no fool I used your foolish bet to my advantage and that makes you the fool." The senator jumped and leaped with grace I had never seen someone so graceful in my life I grow more in love with this beautiful and graceful woman "I will never in thousand of years give up my queen's palace to a fool!" With one move meant she cut off the death watches head.

The senator jumped to my side and helped me up. "We need to bring you to a medic." I grunted in pain but my head was rushing with many thoughts "Wolf get it togather! the senator is just helping you, there's nothing to worry about. You have females help you before, stop freaking out!" I wanted to scream for how stressed out I was becoming. "Commander, is something pestering you?" my head whipped to the beautiful blue eyes. "Commander Wolf." I animatedly regret what I had said. "I am aware commander I asked is something pestering you?" A shook of pain hit my side but I managed to say."I am fine."

"You have two cracked ribs and a dislocated shoulder. " I rolled my eyes I was fully aware of what it in tailed I had cracked my ribs and dislocated my shoulder more times then I could count. "Will I be able to leave?" The General walked into the medic room with a small smirk. (someone corrects me if I'm wrong can Plo Koon create facial expressions?) "You will be staying on Mandalore with sinker and boost as the Senators body gourd and the other men will come with me." I nodded with a sigh. staying on Mandalore was fine but I hated staying in a medic room for days. "Commander wolf will be treated with great care."

Rex and Cody were rushed back to reality. "I never know he had this much love for anyone. I suppose he loved Calista dearly as much as you have for," "me." the soldiers murmured to them selfs.

Act Of Treason. (Rex X reader X Cody)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin