Chapter 2- Just One Sip. (lime?)

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I said my goodbyes to 99. I traveled to the training room. When I get interrupted with a small ring, that was coming from my ear piece. I "clicked," to answer it. To hear Anakin's voice say. He wanted to talk to me and meet him on the bridge. "Well do." I ran toward the bridge, to see Anakin with Rex and a few Rex's men. "Sir." I slowly stopped out of breath. I noticed one of them had lightning bolts down his head with some lettering on the side of his head.

"Y/n are you paying any attention?" I jerked my head and responded. "I was... distracted." "You missed half of your plan." "The 501st and I will be sneaking into a bar and find a Weequay pirate who stole Jedi crystals and has not been cote for a year the stones can be sold for thousands of credits. 501st and I will be searching for the pirate when we find him we will bring him here. I believe I got that correct. " Anakin and the other clones were blown away. With how much information I pretty much quoted from him. Rex and the other men followed me to a fighter.

(small-time skip to the bar that was ruffly 15 specks away.)

we arrived at the bar. To see many drunk men. "Go ahead I need to contact someone." the clones nodded and walked into the loud bar. "Queen Satine I need somewhere to live for a couple of weeks," I was cut off by Satine reminding me that I was welcome to Mandalore anytime I thanked her with a smile.

You walked in and found Rex and Jessie in the back room of the bar. The 501st targeted the pirate. "You're the fool who's selling Jedi crystals hu, Hondo." Hondo busted into drunken laughter.

"Yes, my dear I am. I suppose you were dancing for pay?" He asked chugging a bottle of liquor. I was getting fed up with his bull shit. I slapped the bottle out of his hand. *smash!* "please, leave men." The 501st left the room. "Where are the crystals!" I roared to Hondo. He was way too drunk to answer me. I started to become more and darker. The point my voice become demon-like. Hondo became scared like a small animal that was about to devoured by his pray.

I gave up on Hondo I left angrily. I wanted to kill him for this information. I hopped on to the ship with my men. "Sir, is something wrong?" I slowly smiled but it faded to a disappointed face. "I hate that I couldn't find any information on the crystals." Rex became quite. "I will found this scum bag!" I swear to my self.

We finally got to the main ship. I told Anakin the news I couldn't find anything on the crystals. I went to my room. When something felt off, I shrugged and walked to my room. I collapsed on to my bed. When I heard a knock I told the person to come in. Fives seemed off I walked toward Fives. He pinned me to the door frame with no warning. "Soldier!" I tried to loosen his grip, he logged his knee into my woman range. I become stiff as a board I couldn't move. He slowly grazed his hand on my right leg and kiss my chest. I suddenly got control of my body I elbowed him between the arm and shoulder. He stared at me confused and in pain. "Soldier explain your self!" "I don't know what I just did?"

I walked toward him and I could smell the alcohol on him. I told him what he did and he couldn't believe what he had done. I brought him to Kik. "please get Rex." Rex came rather quickly. "Fives... sexually assaulted me with strong alcohol in him." Rex became furious with Fives. I noticed Rex had different anger in him like something I have never seen in a clone before. I try to ignore it but, it kept bugging me. I spoke to Kik to see if I could, stay with Fives. He glanced at Rex he was still angry or jealous I couldn't figure out what he was felling. I ended up not staying with Fives I went to my room. I fell into a deep sleep.

(Rex's POV)

"Sir, general Y/n wishes to speak to you." Kik sounded worried. I ran to the medic room to see Fives on a med bed with Y/n seating next to Fives. Something filled my veins. Was it jealousy or anger? Y/n gracefully walked toward me Y/n told me. "You have arrived Rex please read these documents." I read off the medical documents it read.

ARC trooper CT-27 5555

Hight: 61

"What have you done Fives!?" I became furious with Fives I rowed at Fives for touchy Y/n with no consecration for Y/n's feelings. I wanted to beat the shit out of him. I care deeply about Y/n but why? she's beautiful and Y/n is kind. She sees every perspective in problems.

I left the med room with so many emotions spinning inside of me. "I want Y/n so bad." I murmured in stress and anger. I tossed my helmet onto my bunker. I covered my face and laid there for an hour. When general skywalker "beeped in" he wanted to talk on the control center. I traveled to the control center no one was their other then skywalker. "Sir." "I have noticed your eyes have been "glued" onto general Y/n is this new?" I become quite for a second. "It isn't sir, I have been in... love with general Y/n since he became a general," Skywalker smirked in response I was confused isn't this treason?! "I'm sorry, Rex I have been in this section before." my eyes widened in shook. "Does skywalker like someone?!" "Unfortunately, I believe Cody has feelings for her as well or that's what Obi-wan has told me." My blood became cold my heart bet dropped. "my own brother has feelings for Y/n I deserve Y/n, not Cody!"

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