Chapter Two

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A/N: I don't know, I feel like this is kinda rushed... Feel free to let me know what you think!

Leo laughed and pulled Nico into the snow, looking for a deeper patch. He found one, near the edge of the forest, and fell into the snow pile, pulling Nico with him.

While Leo bursted into laughter, Nico giggled and threw a handful of snow into Leo's face, saying "You idiot."

Leo smiled and sat up, whatever snow that hadn't already melted falling off his face. Leo's hands were behind his back, secretly packing snow together into a snowball. He attempted to distract Nico by talking.

"So you're sure you're going to be warm enough with just that jacket?" Nico humphed and crossed his arms.

"Very sure, thank you. It's been enough for me for-" The snowball Leo was forming in his hands flew onto Nico's face, covering his black hair, pale skin, and dark eyelashes in white powder. He sputtered, finally getting his bearings, and a half-hearted glare settled into his features.

"Valdez!" He yelled, pouncing from his sitting position in the pile of snow. Leo gave a surprised (and slightly delighted) whoop and jumped out of the way. Nico landed next to him, both now making a move to stand.

"Yes, Angel?" Leo answered with an innocent voice and expression. Nico ignored the little name, to which Leo was fairly thankful for. He was in enough "trouble" as it was.

Nico took a step forward, and Leo shot off. He heard the soft crunching of the snow behind him, telling him that Nico was not only running after him, but gaining, as well.

Something thunked into the middle of Leo's back, which he assumed was another snowball, and he leaped over another mound of snow for cover. He laughed and made as many snowballs as he could with his warm hands before Nico came around the corner, several balls of snow in his arms.

Leo yelped and threw the first one he could grab. Nico ducked behind the other side, laughing as he did so.

Leo packed together more snowballs, waiting for Nico to reappear. When he did, Nico was above Leo. Meaning, he'd gone around the mound and couple trees altogether, and sneaked up behind him. Nico leaned over Leo's head, and dropped about a pound of snow on top of his curly head.

Leo jumped and twisted around, throwing snowball after snowball before Nico grabbed Leo's wrists with both hands, folding in on himself in his laughter. Leo soon joined in, leaning his forehead on their intertwined hands. When they became intertwined, however, Leo had no idea.

Nico fell to a sitting position next to Leo, a little plume of powder flying around the two of them. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company, before Nico's contented smile slowly melted away, much like the snow around them.

"I lied." Nico began, looking over to Leo. "I'm actually freezing."

Leo smiled, thankful it wasn't something worse, and put his arm around Nico's shoulders.

"Better?" He asked, feeling Nico lean into him for more warmth. Nico nodded and folded his hands under his armpits.

As soon as Nico decided he felt warm, they both stood. Leo left for the bunker to start building, and Nico left for his cabin to change and whatever else he felt like doing.

For the next couple of days, Leo divided his time between finishing the present, and hanging out with Nico.

It was finished on Christmas Eve.

Well, Leo was pretty sure it was Christmas Eve, anyway. He'd been working on it that day, and by the time he was done, it was dark. The clock on the wall read past six, and thanks to the tiny hours of daylight in winter, and his lack of ability to tell time when working, he wasn't sure if it was six in the evening or six in the morning.

Leo attempted to clean the work desk as well as he could, but soon gave up all together. There was too much to clean-random little parts of scrap metal, the occasional grease splotch, a couple tools. He decided he'd go back to his cabin and figure everything out.

When he walked outside and into the dark, he crashed into a body. They both fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

The person who landed on top of Leo pushed themselves up, and in the pale moonlight breaking through the clouds, Leo could see the faint outline of unruly dark hair, and a skinny figure.

"Nico...?" Leo hesitated, unsure if it truly was Nico. He heard a quick huff of laughter, before the boy answered.

"Yeah. I was just coming to check on you. One of your brothers said you didn't go back to the cabin last night. Said you were probably in the bunker. I wanted to make sure you didn't screw up again." A sly grin broke out on Nico's face, and Leo closed his eyes, the back of his head hitting the frozen ground as he laughed.

"I don't screw up that often." He paused, as his smile melted into a slight frown. "At least not with my machines."

Nico laughed a hearty laugh, and rolled on his back next to Leo.

"You're an idiot."

"This may be true, but..." Leo's voice dimmed as he thought about what he was saying, then stopped all together. "But I don't know where I was going with this..." Nico giggled.

They laid there, in the fairly cold time-unbeknownst-to-Leo, for a while, enjoying the other's company, before Leo broke the peaceful quiet.

"What day is it?" Nico snorted and turned his head to look at Leo.

"You've been in there so long that you don't even know it's Christmas morning? Man, you need to get a better clock." Leo jumped up from his spot, a couple flurries of snow falling from his dark locks.

"Is it seriously Christmas?" At Nico's confused nod, Leo darted into the bunker, grabbing the little box, horribly wrapped, and almost tripped over an oil can on his way out. He thrust the present into Nico's hands as soon as he was close enough. "Merry Christmas." He said, embarrassedly out of breathe from the short sprint.

Nico stared at the box in his hands, before looking up at Leo with questioning eyes.

"For me...?" he asked, uncertainly. Leo nodded enthusiastically, and Nico began to pick at the paper, which had many wrinkles, many folds, and a lot of tape. Leo couldn't contain his grin as Nico gently ripped the last piece off. He opened the box, and pulled out the small snowman figurine inside.

He turned it in his hands, looking down at it in awe. The little snowman was about the size of Nico's hand, and Leo could hear the gears humming inside. The snowman's right arm carried a copper broomstick, and started waving it around slowly. The top of the hat opened, and Leo's breath caught in his throat.

This was the part he was worried about.

A little rod with string attached to the end ascended, stopping at about three feet. On the end of the short string was a sprig of mistletoe.

The small plant dangled between them. Nico stared at it, and his face grew very red. Leo watched Nico in slight fear, unsure of what the pale Italian was thinking, or would do next.

Nico's eyes met Leo's, and what happened next was something Leo didn't quite expect: Nico burst into laughter, his giggles filling the air, until he calmed enough to talk.

"You're such an idiot. I didn't need the snowman, though it is amazing, to do this." And he grabbed the material of Leo's collar, pulling him in, and locking their lips.

"You're all I wanted."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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