Our bond (part 3)

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Ok guys this is the last part. thank you for those reading my oneshots and for the support I really appreciate it I hope everyone enjoys this
Also remember soul bound mates and soulmate bonds are same thing
Okay and
Now with the story
The queens turn

It was Peppy who first realized that Branch was his daughter soul bound mate, he wondered why he had been so blind to the signs of it before now, but at the same time the old king puzzled over this he knew he hadn't seen this because Branch had hidden it so well.

The blue troll had also stayed well away from the other trolls making it almost impossible for anyone to have realized what was happening to Branch.

It pained Peppy to know that the blue troll had been dealing with a one sided bond without any help since most likely his early childhood. The king also knew with out a doubt Branch would have been in a lot of pain when his daughter had fallen in love with creek.

Knowing that poppy knew nothing about soul mate bounds which was really his own fault for not telling his daughter about them in the first place the former king settled poppy down one afternoon and then explained everything about a soulmate bonds to her.

As her father explained things to her poppy's eyes slowly became wider and wider. When the old king had finally finished talking the queen burst out with, "so that's why Branch always knew when I was in trouble!!"

"Yes Branch is clearly very good at controlling the bond between you both which to be honest doesn't surprise me. He can feel you all the time but more clearly when you need him he can just follow the bond to find wherever you are. The bond between the two of you is the reason that you both glow when you share love. The glowing is the sign of that bond. It was when you and Branch glowed in the pot that I realized Branch and you were soulmate bonds. Soulmate bond are rare poppy extremely so it is a very special bond daughter as you are his and he is yours completely. Branch had been through so much hurt in his life so I am not surprised that he learnt how to repressed the bond between you two. Poppy I have to tell you that Branch...well Branch was in a lot of pain when you started loving creek....it would certainly explain why he didn't like creek and why Branch became more depressed around that time too. To be honest with you being in love with creek for the amount of time you were I'm surprised that Branch managed to keep himself going." The former king explained to her.

The pink troll stared at her father wide eyed with horror. She couldn't believe that her falling in love with creek would have hurt the one she truly loved with all her heart. Poppy was also distressed by the thought that this could have caused him to give up completely and end it all. Silently the pink troll thanked heaven that Branch was far too stubborn to just give up on life. "Dad how do I make sure I can use the bond between us too?"

Peppy smiled at his daughter when she asked this question. "You need to close your eyes and concentrate on Branch and your love for him" poppy did just at her father directed her too and when she felt their bond for the first time the princess was amazed by not only the strength of it but also the love it contained. "Now open your eyes, you should be able to sense Branch and be able to find him no matter where he is just as he found you" Peppy said

Now the queen knew how to use the bond she was determined to go and find her soul bound mate and have a long talk with him about the bond they shared.

Poppy could now clearly feel the pull of the bond. She stood up and smiled at her father saying, "if you'll excuse me I have to go find Branch and have a nice talk with thing him"

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