"you're right. we haven't even made snow angels yet."

we both fall on our backs, letting out groans from the slight impact. harper scooches a couple inches away from me to have her own space, and we both spread our arms and legs out.

"ready?" i call out as snowflakes land in my eyes and face.

"go. best snow angel wins the entire day."


we both flail our arms and legs rapidly with shrieks of laughter as snow flies up onto us. after thirty seconds, we both cautiously sit up and inspect the imprint in the snow.

there's no denying that her's looks much more angel-like.

"i think i take the win this time," she says cockily.

"fine. but i think we both know who won the snowball fight—"

"hey!" a voice on the porch yells. we turn to see her aunt jill, grinning happily at us. "we're doing fun little christmas games right now. the kids are just finishing up theirs, so the adult games are just getting started."

i'm quiet, thinking that harper will speak for the both of us. but she doesn't, and jill's face drops.

"oh no. do you not celebrate christmas, honey?" she asks in a hushed voice.

this causes a loud laugh to escape my lips. "no— well, i mean, yes i do, i'm sorry for the confusion. we'll be inside in a minute."

her smile gets put back on as she disappears inside.

harper snickers beside me, and i elbow her side.
"shut up," i say. "i thought you were supposed to do all the talking."

"you need to get over this little social anxiety thing, ethan," she urges. "talking to people it fun. i wish you'd do it more. seriously, i could try to get out to go out with new people and—"

"how i live my life has nothing to do with you."

the words came out harsher than intended, and she blinks, taking a step back from me. i lower my eyes to the ground, and shuffle up the porch and inside.

her footsteps sound off quietly behind me, indicating that she's following me inside.

only one more hour of this, then i can go home.
and be alone.

suddenly, my arm gets yanked back.

"ethan," harper says, voice almost pleading.

"what, harper?" i roll my eyes.

"we can't go in there like this if we're going to be fighting. i don't know what i did, but—"

"let's just go in," i huff out, tugging my arm back. "we need to survive another measly hour, then we can both pretend this never happened. got it?"

she swallows and nods. "got it."

and it's as if our fun little time of playing in the snow completely vanished, as the space between us is now just as icy and cold as it is outside.

all the adults crowd around one big table, and seemed to be paired off.

"have a seat guys. you can be the last team," harper's mom says, motioning to some empty chairs around the table.

"what is this?" harper asks in a small voice.

"couples trivia. i thought it would be a fun way to get to know ethan, and test your guys' knowledge of each other," she smiles.

when all is said and done | e.d.Where stories live. Discover now