21. Liar, Liar, Feet on Fire.

Start from the beginning

My face scrunched at his absurd accusations and Nova tore through the still air with a snort.

"Henry, let's get one thing straight I am no longer your assistant. I heard that Vincent was flying to where my father lived and he offered me the free ride," I formulated the tale carefully. "Also Vincent and I are not together romantically or sexually. Why do you even care?"

Henry was about to open his mouth but bit his tongue when Vincent finally looked up to him with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

Liar. That wasn't what he wanted to say. What were Henry and Vincent hiding from me?

"You have two options. Nova can let you go and we can handle this conversation like adults, or Nova can drag your ass out of here by your neck." My tone was solid and annoyed.

"I can walk myself out." Henry snapped lowly and Nova let his head drop from her arm.

Henry wiped his hands on his jeans and turned to walk to the door but turned back before leaving. He said something that we both knew wasn't his first time saying.

"Stay out of his way."

Then he was gone.

"Enjoy your trip." Nova apologetically said before following Henry out and winking my way; probably for good luck with Vincent's father.

Even before Nova left, she had a keen eye on Vincent but I couldn't tell if she was assessing him for signs of good or just making sure Vincent wasn't going to charge after Henry.

I peeled my hand from Vincent's chest to close the double doors.

When I turned back around I noticed something else peculiar about Vincent.

"Is your hair...black?"

The question was sparked from my curiosity and also a way to keep Vincent distracted from succumbing into his dark side.

He wore a white button up with black slacks. His face was finally shaved and his hair wasn't touched by a single lick of gel by the way his loose curls hung loose around his head. He looked natural. His entire appearance was beautiful.

Strangely even with his bloody lip.

"Why yes. Black hair runs in my family. I had to dye it for the film." He chuckled and sat on top of his desk. "You didn't think I was Goldie Locs, did you?"

"I mean yeah. You've had blonde hair ever since before the first time I met you."

I stood in front of him with my hands intertwined in front of me.

"And you've had me in your grip since the first time I met you. Literally."

Vincent never broke eye contact and I intended to keep it steady.

"I had you in my grip? How so King Psycho?"

Vincent grabbed my locked hands and put them on his thigh.

"You've been keeping me sane principessa," he started whilst running his fingers over mine. The simplest touch from him made my words get stuck in my throat.

"Whenever I think of letting it take over I recall the night in the basement of AKP. I wish not to bring anymore harm—to anyone. That's all I want to accomplish."

"Can you explain to me once more why you won't take the serum? Although it takes away your ability to sleep you'll still be able to control your other side."

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