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After Albus had left the Potions classroom to fetch the other staff members, I turned back around to face Professor Snape.
I raised an eyebrow, as he just looked at me.
"Yes?" I questioned.
Snape just scoffed, and turned to sit down at his desk.
I rolled my eyes and sat down at one of the long classroom desks in front of me.
I wasn't going to let this miserable man ruin my first day here at Hogwarts. I've wanted to work here for as long as I can remember, and I was going to enjoy myself at my new job.
There was a strange and awkward silence hanging in the air as we both sat at our respective desks, waiting for the other staff to arrive.
Deciding to be the bigger person, I decided to speak through the silence.
"Has Potions always been a passion of yours?"
Snape looked up at me, eyebrow raised, almost as if he was confused as to why I was even speaking to him after our verbal disagreement.
He hesitated before he answered. "Not entirely. I admire it, but I have a true fascination with the Dark Arts and defending one's self against them."
I nodded, impressed. Impressed because he actually answered my question. I was not surprised however by his answer. He seemed like the type to be interested in the Dark Arts.
"So, then, why aren't you teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts? You seem as though you'd enjoy it."
The Potions Master glared at me then. "I don't believe that's any of your business, Miss Underwood."
I chuckled slightly in disbelief. "Alright then, sorry I got your panties in a twist."
Ignoring his angered expression, I tuned him out. I began to focus on looking over my first week of lesson plans, just as the other members of the Hogwarts staff entered the Potions classroom.
"I must say, Miss Underwood, I'm quite thrilled to have yet another woman on the staff.  It's almost as though we might outnumber the men." Professor McGonagall stated, giving me a smile.
I laughed a little. "They better watch out then, I would think? And please, call me Rose."
The staff meeting had ended, and I had begun to warm up to Minerva. She reminded me so much of my mother, so almost immediately I felt a sense of comfort being in her presence.
It was a moment before the Transfigurations professor spoke again.
"Has Professor Snape been nice to you, Rose?"
Taken slightly aback by her question, I hesitated before answering. "Not quite, but I don't mind nor care." I shrugged.
Minerva smiled. "I only ask because I observed him looking at you once or twice throughout the staff meeting."
I was surprised by this. "I hadn't even noticed. But if he was, maybe it was because I fed him some of the attitude he fed me a bit earlier."
Professor McGonagall gave me a look, almost a proud one. "Perhaps he has met his match with you, Rose."
I shrugged again, smirking this time. Before I could respond, Albus approached us.
"Minerva, may I borrow your new best friend for a moment?"
I laughed, waving to Minerva. She spoke again. "Come by my office anytime for tea, Rose."
I nodded in response.
I followed Albus to the end of the hallway, as the other staff members dispersed, and went their separate ways.
However, there was one staff member who hadn't left, and he seemed to be waiting for Albus and I.
I tried to hold my tongue, I truly did, but I failed miserably.
"What is he doing here?" I blurted out, not really caring how I sounded.
Professor Snape looked at me quizzically and Albus smiled kindly at me.
"Professor Snape is here because I requested him to be. Him and I have discussed something that might benefit you, Miss Underwood."
I crossed my arms. "And what might that be, Headmaster?"
"Because of your new status as a Professor, I thought it might be helpful for Professor Snape to assist you in preparation for the first day of classes tomorrow. Along with that, I believe it would be beneficial for you to run through a lesson of yours, with Professor Snape as your audience. Just to make sure you've got it figured out."
I bit my lip, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Okay?"
Albus spoke again. "It's not a matter of your talent or your knowledge of the subject. It's just a technicality. Professor Snape has taught at Hogwarts for many years, so his expertise might come in handy for you."
I clenched my jaw in frustration, but kept quiet.
After a moment of silence, I finally made myself speak.
"If I must go through this torture, when does it begin?"
Albus looked between Professor Snape and I.
"How does...right now sound? Well, after you settle in to your teacher's quarters, of course. Severus will show you to them as well."
I gave Albus a look, hoping he would change his mind. However, he stood firm, a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye.
"Off you go." He shooed us away, and I let out an exasperated breath.
'What did I do to deserve this?', I thought.

Every Rose Has Its Thorn. (A Severus Snape Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now