Chapter 18 - The Magic Touch

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Moose Beach was just as crowded as the beach where they went swimming earlier. As they parked the car, a group of kids went by on roller skates along a paved path. Uncle Eddie said, “They are on Orillia’s Millennium Trail. It is perfect for walking.” Auntie Joan suggested that they walk along the scenic trail for a while. It took them through the trees and they walked for more than an hour. Willie and Maria got a lovely picture with many Canada geese in the background.

It was already 5:00 PM when they got back to the car for the final leg of the journey to Casino Rama. After checking in at the hotel, they agreed to meet back in the Rotunda at 7:00 PM. They will have dinner before going to the game floor to try their luck once again at the slot machines.

The four of them arrived at the Rotunda just as the multimedia presentation at the Story Teller’s Lodge began. They learned lots about the history and culture of the Chippewas of Rama First Nations. After a delectable dinner at the St. Germain's Steakhouse they proceeded to the game floor as planned.

Ten minutes after they entered, Willie and Maria left their machine and went over to where Uncle Eddie and Auntie Joan were excitedly drawing in their paltry winnings. Willie said, “I now know why they call these machines ‘one armed bandits;’ they just robbed me of my hard earned cash.” Uncle Eddie hit the button and lost a few more coins. Auntie Joan said, “Allow me. I’ll use my magic touch and win us some money.”

With a gentle bow, Uncle Eddie moved aside to allow Auntie Joan to use the machine. She put in four quarters and moved her fingers in the air as if she had some special powers. After her playful display, she pressed the button and the machine lit up as if it was struck by lightning. Coins tumbled down as if it would never stop. Shaking both arms in the air she declared, “See, I told you I have the magic touch.” They agreed to take their winnings and retire to the nearby Dream Catcher Sports Bar for a well deserved night cap.

For the first time they all slept in late. This was partly because Uncle Eddie had one too many drinks at the sports bar. After breakfast at the Couchiching Court Buffet they checked out and made their way to the parking lot. At the first gas station, Uncle Eddie announced that he was going to buy another 649 ticket to remember their winnings at Casino Rama. That was when Willie remembered the ticket he bought in Niagara Falls.

Willie gave his 649 ticket to the clerk to have it checked. The clerk handed it back to him and asked him to sign the ticket. When it was scanned, Willie was startled by the strange music from the machine and asked, “Did I win? Did I win?” The clerk handed him the ticket a second time and said, “Congratulations Sir, you just won the twenty million dollar jackpot. You have to take this ticket to the Lottery Corporation in Toronto to collect your winnings.” Both Willie and Uncle Eddie could hardly believe what they heard.

“Excuse me,” said Willie. “You hit the jackpot,” replied the clerk. He hugged Uncle Eddie and danced around together. Auntie Joan looking at them through the store window turned to Maria and back to the store where Uncle Eddie and Willie were still dancing around. She then said, “Men will always be boys. They must have won ten dollars.”

Willie and Uncle Eddie rushed out to the car to share the good news with the girls. Auntie Joan said, “Nice try guys, but we are not falling for that corny joke.” Uncle Eddie tired to convince them but they still would not listen. They got into the car and Uncle Eddie drove them back to the hotel. In the lobby he said to Willie, “I have spent enough money on lottery tickets to buy a boat and you buy one lousy ticket and win the jackpot.” That was when Maria looked at Auntie Joan and said, “It looks like they are not joking.”

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