Chapter 10 - A Wedding On The Beach

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Alfie tried to move the wedding to the church but everyone agreed that the decision should be left with Maria and Willie. The Cristos invited the Doolpers to be their guests for the following Saturday. Alfie graciously accepted the invitation on condition that Auntie G was not invited.

Their visit was equally pleasant. They got a chance to meet some of Willie’s Aunts and Uncles and Harry, his little nephew who deciphered the “YES” message in the cards from Maria. Brenda served lots of fresh fish dishes and Paco had lots of coconut water to go with the scotch. He also had a delicacy made from fresh shellfish. Peter and the others agreed that it was delicious.

Maria and her family marveled at the picturesque view of the ocean from Willie’s home. While they were still talking, an ocean liner came into view and Willie told them about his childhood dreams of leaving on one of those ships to travel to distant lands.

After a sumptuous meal, Paco suggested that they all go for a walk on the beach. Alfie said, “I brought my swimming trunks, we should go swimming.” Auntie G scowled and said, “You have to go swimming all by yourself. The rest of us are going for a walk as a family.”

In what seemed like the blink of an eye they were gathered at the beach for the wedding. The sunshine filled the blue skies and numerous green “safe for swimming” flags fluttered in the lazy breeze. Many of the women wore long colorful Kaftans and bright straw hats. The men wore Hawaiian shirts and white shorts. The lifeguards from Willie’s team were all there together with hundreds of strangers who had never been to a wedding on the beach.

Maria wore a beautiful white wedding dress complete with matching headpiece and a short flowing veil. Willie wore a nicely tailored black suit for the grand occasion. Everyone was barefooted; they enjoyed the dry warm sand between their toes. After the ceremony the priest and a small wedding party went to the church to complete the proceedings.

Meanwhile, Auntie G and the rest of the family entertained the guests on the beach. They played music and served rum punch in tall glasses together with the Maracas Bay favorite, bake and shark. They also served pepper shrimps, curried crabs and a host of other local dishes. The guests loved it and enjoyed every morsel. This was truly an island beach wedding.

The wedding party returned with a local band of musicians playing calypsos on stringed instruments. This added a special flair to the occasion and made the front page of the newspaper the next day. Just before the sun went down behind the cliff, Aunt Edith poured sand into small brown paper bags, stuck lighted candles in them and encircled their guests. This created an enchanting atmosphere that mesmerized everyone.

“This is beautiful Auntie G,” said Alfie. “Where did you get that idea?” She smiled, “None of your damn business,” she snapped. Willie and Maria left at 9:30 PM to spend their nuptial night at the Hilton Hotel overlooking the City of Port of Spain. The wedding celebration continued long after the moon came peeping over the mountaintop.

That summer, Maria spent many long hours on the beach while Willie worked with his team. When school resumed, she commuted to her job in the city to continue working with her beloved students.

When Maria got pregnant, she phoned her mother and said, “Willie and I are coming to spend the day with you this Saturday. We need some advice about investments.” She said this because she did not want to share the joyous news by telephone.

On Saturday, they arrived at their parent’s home and found all the family waiting for them. Auntie G and Aunt Edith had reams of advice for them but realized they had been fooled when Maria announced, “We have some news to share with you.”

Uncle Ralphie said, “I knew it! I had funny feeling deep down inside. They won the lottery.” Laughing, Maria said, “No. No. Something more exciting than winning the lottery.” Lucy hugged Alfie and said, “Thank you Lord.” Uncle Ralphie asked, “Thanks for what?”

Standing up, Maria placed her hands under her belly and said, “I’m pregnant!” Alfie pushed Lucy away and asked, “Bloody hell! Who got you pregnant? Tell me. Uncle Ralphie and I will kill the bloody bastard!”

Aunt Edith and Auntie G hugged Lucy while Peter raised his hand saying, “Calm down Dad. We don’t need to kill the bloody bastard. Maria is now married and Willie got her pregnant.” Turning to Willie he asked, “You did, didn’t you?” Peter triumphantly declared, “Finally! I am going to be an Uncle!”

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