65. "Whiskey! You busy?"

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So? Vic Fic *click* or naw?

(A/N I got a request for smut and I wrote it and now I feel dirty and need a shower. K bye.)

(I also put in indications from where to skip to if you dont want to read the smuttyness ._. k bye again)



I groaned as my alarm went off, flashing '5:00am' in my face and screaming a TwentyOne Pilots song that was quickly shut off with a smack of my hand and another groan. The only reason why I had to wake up this early is because of my flight that goes out of San Diego back to London is in 4 hours...

I sighed with the realization of the short time I had with Jaime right now and the fact I'm not going to be able to see him for God knows how long...

i rolled over to face a bare-chested Jaime who had an arm tightly over and around my waist with his tattooed hand resting on my hip, his other arm under his pillow. I watched him sleep for a while, hearing is little tiny snores escape his mouth every now and again.

I grazed my eyes over his little dimples and his teeny smile that poked the corners of his mouth as he continued sleeping, getting me all fuzzy and happy on the inside.

I laid there for a few more minutes just examining his face as if it was the last time until I heard the annoying buzzing from the snooze alarm go off.

Reaching over, I hit the snooze button, grabbed it and looked at the screen. I sighed when I realized it was actually telling me I now had only 3 hours to get to the airport.

I looked over at Jaime, his mouth still open, twitching his nose like her does when he's dreaming. I smiled and snuck a picture of this magnificence.

@LaneyBoo: Do you guys really want this? But for reals.. I gotta admit its wayy cute. <3 #JaimeIsABabe #ManCrushSunday #onlysunday #heaintthatcool

I flipped though the comments I got, telling me how lucky I am, and how cute he looks.. and what the hell is an OTP? I dunno man.

I threw my phone back to the nightstand after the final snooze alarm went off again.

I sighed and rested my hand on his chest with my head on top of them, shutting my eyes. I should probably go pack my bag since Jaime had unpacked everything I had packed the day we had that scuffle-fight thing while I was in the shower yesterday...

I started to pry his arm from its tight hold around me so I could go start getting ready but it was seemingly impossible to detach the jaime-leech

I almost had it off of me but he let out a groan and tightened his arm even more around me, pulling me over against his body so I was laying all the way on his chest, burying his face in my hair on my neck, going back to snoring after mumbling a "lae no leave".

I smiled to myself and shut my eyes again, curling my body to snuggle against his chest and tangled my legs within his for just a little while longer.

Even though I spent over a year away with out all of these little things I loved about him, there wasn't a day that I didn't think about him.

The way he touched me, the way when he said my name making heart would flutter a million miles a minute. His smell, although he doesn't wear cologne... I don't know man, he smells amazing. The way it always calms me down no matter what... And The way he kisses me at random moments of the day just because he can, how he whispers sweet nothings in my ear as he walks by me, or just the way he looks at me from across a crowded room, making my heart stop. And of course making me die from laughter at all the stupid jokes he pulls, or the stupid weirdness he gets when hes drunk.

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