Arc-3-part3- Plans Go Right

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I woke up a bit early and took a pretty long shower. I decided that for today's plans with the squad I would wear something more comfortable then casual. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and put a light coat of makeup before grabbing my phone and checking the time. I had maybe 15 minutes before I had to head down to the lounge. I was really confused why Kirishima didn't tell us what we were doing like he usually does but there wasn't time for that I had to be there in 5 minutes. I grabbed my dorm keys and made sure my outfit looked right before I headed out. I locked the door behind me and saw both jiro waiting for me by the elevator.

"Hey girl!" Mina yelled to me as I walked over to both of them.

"Any idea what we're doing today?" I asked as I clicked the down button waiting for the elevator.

"Nope! Kirishima didn't really say anything other then to meet in the commons at 10:00." Mina said as we all hopped in the elevator.

"It's kinda suspicious if you ask me." Jiro said.

"Maybe a little bit." I said as the doors opened reveling Tsu and Uaraka.

"Good morning girls!" Uaraka said in a cheerful voice.

"Hey, you guys heading down too?" Mina asked both the girls.

"Sure are." Tsu said clicking the bottom floor button.

We all walked out talking about each other's outfits and making our way over to the lounge. We turn the corner and see all the boys in either of the squads standing there.

"Ah! Ochaco!" A girl with long brown hair and blue eyes yelled running over to her giving her a hug.

"Hey Yuno!" Uaraka yelled hugging her back.

"Ochaco you know this girl, ribbit?" Tsu asks.

"Yep! This is Yui Yuno Bakugo's girlfriend." She says smiling madly.

"Hi it's nice to meet you all!" She said now starting introductions with all the other girls.

I smiled as I thought about Bakugo having someone like her to benefit him in any sort of way. They're total polar opposites but at the same time I can tell she makes him a better person. As she was introducing herself to Mina when I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist and a head being planted on my shoulder. On instinct I reach my hand up into their hair and put my other hand on their arms.

"Hey sunshine." Mirio whispered lovingly in my ear.

"Heya sunflower. It's been awhile." I said as I leaned into his embrace.

"Sure has. I missed your scent." I giggled at his comment and turned to face him.

"I missed being in your arms." I said as he smiled down at me.

"You look extremely comfortable today." He said looking at my outfit.

"Oh yeah I didn't know what my squad was doing today so I just dressed in a simple crop top with yoga pants." I said kinda embarrassed by my choice of outfit.

"It's cute." Mirio said kissing my forehead lightly.

"Hey! Get over her now Wallphaser and bug eyes!" Bakugo yelled at us.

"Bug eyes?" Mirio questioned.

"Just go with it." I said in a tiny giggle and took his hand and pulled him to the others.

Izuku's P.O.V.

"Alright! so, good morning everyone. Me and Kacchan have decided that both our groups will have a little get together today."

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