Arc 1-part 3- Prove Him Wrong

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Mirio's P.O.V.

"Me jealous? No. Well maybe... No! I'm not jealous. Midoriya just doesn't know what he's talking about."

"Talking to yourself, huh?" I jumped at the sound. "This is a nice hangout place. I might just steal it from you."

"What? How? I..."

"Look, I didn't mean to get into ur head. In fact I just wanted to see your progress with ur quirk. That's all..." I look over at Yuki. Her smile was gone, and she was looking down at the ground almost guilty. Wait! Is she... crying?!

"Hey, hey, hey! It's ok. I'm fine. Really, look. See, power!" She looked up at me and giggled wiping away her tears.

Her giggling. . . it's almost like. . . Music. I can't help but smile. She's just so. . . Adorable. Wait a minute! Back up Mirio! She's still in high school. But her smile, her beautiful e/c eyes, her silky h/c hair as it reflects in the sun. Everything. . . She's so bright.

"Uhm, Togata? Are you ok?"


"Your a little red, are you feeling alright? Do you need to go to recovery girls room?" She says as she closes the distance between us and puts her hand in my forehead.

Her hands are so soft. What if I just. . . Close my eyes, just for a moment. Just so I can relax.

Y/n's P.O.V.

He didn't really look like he was feeling well. He was red and sweaty, but his temperature was normal. Wait! Are his eyes closed?!

"Ok! Welp looks like ur temperature is just fine. So imma go. Bye!" But before I could run off he stopped me.

"Hey look, about earlier." He was hesitant "I want you to train me."

"Train you?!"

"If your up for it that is." He scratched the back of his head and looked away.

I smiled at his cuteness and walked back towards him.


"Yes! thank you so much!"


"Oh no, what's the catch?" His attitude change from a kid on Christmas morning to sad puppy real quick. Gosh! Why is he so cute?!

"Hmmm, you have to... um... you have to..."

"Don't tell me you don't have a plan?" He smiled at we in the most adorable way possible.

"I uh, I don't." I said sheepishly as I looked down and scratched the back of my neck.

Togata bent down and looked up into my eyes with a genuine smile. "Please. I need your help."

"Alright, I'll help you." I said kinda annoyed.

"Really! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Togata shouted as he picked me up and swung me around and pulled me into a hug. "I won't let you down!" He ran off after that.

He came back sheepishly for a second, "When are we gonna start?"

"I'll text you." I smile at the giddy boy in-front of me.

"Got it!" He ran off again but soon reappeared. "I don't have your number." He smiles at me while holding out his phone.

"For someone who is 18, you sure act like a five year old." I giggled.

"I'm just excited to learn some awesome techniques!" He smiled as he took his phone back.

"I can't wait to teach you. Your gonna be amazing Togata!" I say with enthusiasm.

"You think so?"

"I know so!" I said with an eye closed smile.

"Heh. Just give me a call whenever your ready." And with that he was gone.

I looked up at the sky and smiled as I thought to myself, "step one is completely, Sir. I wish you were here to see him succeed."

Mirio's P.O.V.

The school day was over and everyone was headed to the dorms. While I was also headed that way I saw Midoriya a little bit a head of me.

"Hey, Midoriya!" I shouted as I ran up to him.

"Oh hey jealous boy." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not jealous, who would I be jealous of?"

"Umm... Yuki." He pointed out bluntly.

"Me? Jealous of Yuki? No, we're friends." I said a little nervous.

"Since when? You legit sounded like you hated her 2 hours ago."

"We talked it out and she agreed to train me."

"Oh, did she now. Prove it." He smirked at me.

"Well for starters she gave me her number."

"No she didn't," he chuckled. "Quit lying."

"I'm not see," I pulled out my phone and showed him the contact.

"Wow, she did," he answered shocked.

"See. I proved you wrong. I'm most definitely not jealous of Yuki." I said slyly.

"What about me now?" Yuki said as she walked up to both me and Midoriya.

"Just that you have amazing potential, heh heh." I laughed nervously.

"Ok then, I'm gonna go work on my homework and leave you two to what ever you were talking about." She walked up to Midoriya and put him in a chokehold.

"See you around nerd." She smile while messing with his hair.

"Yuki stop! My hair!" And with that she ran off laughing.

"What a cutie." I said a little to loud.

"Wait.... do you like Yuki!" Midoriya asked with widened eyes.

"What! No! I said she was cute, I never said I liked her like that!" I wave my hands in-front of my face.

"I wouldn't mind you liking her Togata. But she's not looking for a relationship. She has turned down so many guys in the past week."

"So everyone is after her huh." Midoriya nodded to my response. "I can see why, she's strong, she has a kind personality, she's adorable, and she's herself."

"You really like her."

"Maybe... but I can't she's only 16 right?"

"She's actually 17, and about to turn 18" he said surprise I didn't know that information.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah she started school late. So maybe you could be with her." He said as he looked up to see we were in front of his dormitories.

"You think she would like me?"

"I don't know honestly. Yuki can be tricky. Anyway I gotta go study for my up coming test in Aizawa's class. Good luck!" He said as he turned towards the dorms.

"Thanks!" I yelled at him as I continued to the big threes dormitory.

"How many people do you have in a trance y/n Yuki?"

A/n: ok so I might post again tonight, no promises though. Hopefully you like this chapter, it was kinda all over the place.

Here's the preview:

Y/n Yuki decides after a week that it's time to start training Mirio. Y/n figures out what's keeping Mirio from using his full potential and tries to find a way to help him get out of that habit. But Y/n is having difficulty training Mirio. Will Y/n continued with the deal she has made a while back.
Next time: Your Training Begins

Go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!

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