Arc-2-part-3- Destiny? (Announcement at beginning!)

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Okay, okay, I know how much people hate these trust me but I have some news. I want to put in an OC for my bakubaby so he to could have a relationship. I will be choosing one lucky winner. To enter all you have to do is message me with a picture of the character and explain their personality and their quirk. Anyway, good luck and on with the chapter!

Y/n's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since I had heard the voice in my head and not gonna lie, I'm really scared. I know it may sound crazy but there's this list I have to follow. I know how it ends and I'm terrified. The worst part is I can't tell anyone. But I'm hoping there might be a way to avoid it. Heck I know there will be, there just has to be! I can't leave, not yet. I won't let it happen. No way!

"Hey, Y/n! Where have you been lately? I mean I know you're training Togata, but when your done train I never see you anymore." Midoriya asks out of curiosity.

"O, yeah! Heh, I guess I was just busy hanging with Bakugo, Mina, and Kirishima."

"Oh you guys are friends? I'm surprised the Kacchan let someone else get close to him. So are you apart of his group?"

"To be completely honest, I don't join groups. It just causes issues of I get close to people so might as well not get close to a group of people I care about." I said looking down and avoiding eye contact.

"I think being in a group can be fun. Even if it's with kaccchan. I think you would be a good influence on them, just like how Mirio is like a big brother of our group."

"Togata's apart of your squad?"

"Yeah! Ever since our work study he and Eri have been in our group. You two really are a like, you guys are both good influences, very kind hearted, and just wanna have fun. But you don't break rules to have fun." I smile at his comment.

"I think your right I might just join the bakusquad."

"Bakusquad?" He looks at me puzzled.

"It's just a name that Kaminari came up with."

"That's awesome! I wish I had a name for my squad!" He wined.

"You do. It's call the dekusquad." I said plainly.

"That doesn't sound as cool though."

"Not everything is." I said smugly as my eyes were suddenly covered by two hands

"Guess who?" They said.

"Hmm? Could it be a blonde who sorta looks like tin tin?" I smile as he removes his hands.

"I don't look like tin tin!" He says as he starts to walk with me and Izuku.

"Sure you don't." I laughed.

"I'm gonna let you two talk. I see you in class Y/n. Oh! And Y/n take good care of Kacchan, he can be difficult but his heart is in the right place!" He then walked into the school.

"Why would you need to take care of Bakugo?"

"I'm gonna be joining his group of friend." I say looking away from him.

"That's great! Now you can make sure he doesn't get in so much trouble.

"Heh, or maybe I'll join him." I smirked at him.

"Then I'll have to stop you from getting in trouble." He said slyly.

"Go for it Lucas!" I shouted as I tried to male a run for it, but sadly I was to slow.

"Looks like he's already rubbing off on you. I don't like these nicknames Yuki. Maybe I'll have to rub of on you, sunshine." He whispered into my ear.

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