Arc-4-part-4- Night of Change

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Mirio's P.O.V.

I stayed up all night recruiting and making plans for tonight. Everyone had agreed with what the plan was. I was gonna have a small dance with just me and Y/n. It was Sunday and her day off so I was thinking of going to set it up with a few of her friends in the court yard. I'll get Y/n at sunset and we will just hang out and talk like we should have last night.

"Mirio." Tamaki walked in, "let's go set this up, we have about 4 hours."

I nodded and followed him. We walked outside and were greeted by most of her class mates.

"Hey guys." I said ashamed about what I did.

"Hi." They said giving me glares.

"Where's Bakugo?" I asked, "I thought he would be here because this is about y/n."

"He's hanging out with Yui and Y/n right now." Uaraka said, "they know of the plan and are trying to keep her occupied."

"Right." And with that we started walking. I hung my head down low as I passed a them. Then a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"It's going to be alright Togata. Your doing the right thing." Midoriya said letting go and we continued to the location.

"Alright this is the spot!" Nejire said as we all came to a stop.

"Alright let's get this set up!" Kirishima yelled as everyone got to work.

"Hey Mirio." I looked at tamaki.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What will happen when you tell her you have to move out of the dorms and go to a different location far from here." I looked down.

"I don't know." I said looking at everyone hard at work, "only time will tell."

Y/n's P.O.V.

I was sitting on Bakugo's bed with Yui taking about what cloths I should order. Bakugo was sitting at his desk working on one of his gadgets. He looked up at the clock and looked over at Yui.

"Hey Yui." He said and she looked at him as he nodded at her.

"Oh that's right!" She the. Looked at me and took my hands. "Y/n I have this really pretty dress I want you to try on!"

"Oh ok. Yeah sure!" I said as she pulled me up and pulled me to minas room not to far from here.

"Mina! Dress now!" She yelled as we walked in.

"On it!" Mina said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me over and started to help me with the dress.

"This is cute!" I said looking at it through the mirror.

"Yep now can I do your makeup!" Yui said pushy.

"Uhh, why?" I said confused.

"Because I want to take you somewhere special so I can work on my photography!" Yui said sitting me down and pulling out makeup palettes.

"Oh ok I guess." I said as I smiled at the girls.

"I'm doing your hair!" Mina said as she started with my hair.

I laughed at the two girls helping me with my appearance. We talked and really enjoyed each other's company. When they were done they looked at the time and nodded. They gave me a pair of beautiful wight laced heels. I heard a knock on the door and then Bakugo walked in.

"Let's go." He said holding out his arm for me to take.

"Wait what?!" I asked surprised, "I thought you wanted to take pictures."

(Mirio x reader) Permeation brought us together Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora